Thursday, March 17, 2022

Pie Factory Says Figures Don't Lie; Economists Say Liars Do Figure


The old saying is that “figures will not lie,” but a new saying is “liars will figure.” It is our duty, as practical statisticians, to prevent the liar from figuring; in other words, to prevent him from perverting the truth, in the interest of some theory he wishes to establish. Carroll D. Wright

A representative of the Pie Factory in Florence, one in a chain of two, has written a letter to the editor of the TimesDaily asking citizens to support the proposed new downtown hotel. He quoted figures from a study on the effects of the project. As with Inspiration Landing, these are best case scenarios. Look how well that has turned out.

Can we all say slippery slope? What happened when we lent 400K to a local developer ten years ago.? Can you say lost it all?

How about James Bobo Jr.'s need for a financial contribution to build on the old Sears/Martin property? Just to be fair shouldn't we help him also. After all, he is a Florence native and well-liked.

Above all consider: If you suddenly had 70 million in funds in your bank, would you co-sign for Eugene Sak's project? No? Then whey should the City of Florence risk everyone's money by doing so?

1 comment:

  1. What is that description of "insanity" again??? "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat it" Does the name Jimmy Neese ring a bell???? Perhaps it is not "insanity" as much as "greed" that should be looked into when dealing with the Florence City council. Especially Tricky Dick. Wonder what Eugene Sak has to do with the proposed pet project ol Dick is sitting on for the former ECM building? There are so many threads that COULD be unwound about the corruption of this and other ongoing projects in the works but the council is busy fooling the foolish public with plaques and ceremonies at council meetings and stooges putting posts on Facebook to come and get your picture taken, THEN LEAVE as will happen Tuesday at the upcoming council meeting at the colliseum. Millions of dollars of taxpayer money isn't really that important according to one local UNA "mascot"supporter who will be honored this Tuesday. No need to stick around and question those who are about to spend it when pictures are at stake. Just get your picture taken with the "honoree" and leave, nothing to see here! PT Barnum would be proud of the promotion!
