Sunday, March 6, 2022

Who Says Putin Will Nuke Anyone? One Word: Smallpox


We always see the word "eradicated" in connection with smallpox. Not technically. There is a reserve in Atlanta and another in Siberia. In the early 2000s, for whatever reason, the Russian stash became a concern and new vaccine was produced. Many volunteers took it for a second time. Of those we knew personally or heard from via reliable news sources, only one person had any problem. That was with severe pain in his arm. 

Would Putin use biological warfare on his enemies? If he would nuke us, why wouldn't he try to infect his enemies with smallpox? No one should defend the Russian leader's mental stability.

This is just a horrible thought, an almost worst case scenario. Yet we can't sit idly by as Putin prepares to send us into the next world just a little bit early. What should we do with an indecisive American leader thrown into the mix just to make it more novel worthy?

Lindsey Graham has asked for the Russian leader to be taken out. You know, as in The Interview. That's very iffy, but we have no objection to it no matter what Pat Robertson or Tucker Carlson may say. There is a much better way: Let God handle it.

That's right. Prayer is needed here more than ever before in the lives of most of us. It's a simple thing; try it!


  1. Smallpox, once THOUGHT to have been eradicated, reared its ugly head several years ago in Africa. One question: WHO is the REAL enemy in all of this? There have already been numerous examples of blatantly incorrect (fake news?) information fed to us by the MSM. We were, as a WORLD, misled (and still are) about COVID. WHO is currently BENEFITTING from this 'war'?

    1. Several years ago is the 1970s.

    2. NPR? LOL - Fake News


    4. Ahh, I forgot. All Anti-Vaxxers are crazy, Know-Nothings. Riiight. BTW, have you glanced at the newly released Pfizer Vax 'Side Effects' pages ? I bet not.

      Anyway...FDR, (you know, that guy who was President), contracted Polio after swimming in the Bay of Fundy that was a repository for water 'runoff' from Apple Orchards sprayed with "Paris Green", an Arsenic compound - and it happened fast - the VERY NEXT MORNING, I believe.

      Also, my Mother-in-Law swam in a similar pond polluted with agricultural Chemical runoff from the surrounding area. She was partially paralyzed the next day and survived after over a year's worth of treatments.

      Just sayin' - not everything is as it's reported.

      Beware the Fake News - Making a Mockery of Many People Everyday.

      Think for yourself, stop using Google (use DuckDuckGo), stop watching MSM and Question EVERYTHING.

    5. Interesting, but that wretched Google states that arsenic compounds found in pesticides cause "polio-like" symptoms. What is true is that the Salk vaccine killed many people...but saved many, many more. Common good and all that. Remember what old Siggie said about cigars?

  2. Very strange ... You talk about the possibility of Putin using Biologicals against his enemies, but you apparently know NOTHING of OUR government doing the same for DECADES. As I stated in a previous entry, we HAVE/HAD Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine! They were OURS, completely run and financed by US. Why were the Labs in Ukraine? Because Ukraine has long been a Festering Cesspit of Criminal Dealings - everything from Money Laundering to Human Trafficking and Worse. If any country wanted to do anything nasty, they could count on bribing Ukrainian officials to take the money and shut up. In fact, when one official began to investigate Cokehead Hunter Biden and his sweet deal with Burisma, Drooling Daddy Biden threatened to withhold US 'Support' Dollars until that investigator was fired. It's easy to find the video of Drooley bragging about doing it...IF you have the guts to look, that is. Most of you don't - you'd rather put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and prove to the world that Ignorance is truly Bliss. Remember, Ignorance can be fixed with Truth, but Stupid is Forever. In the end, we will NOT remember the Words of our Enemies, but the Silence of our Fellow Americans.

    If, as you seem to think, Putin deserves to be 'Taken out', then so does EVERY American who has participated, and continues to participate in Biological Warfare and other Nefarious Activities. Lindsey Graham is one such person. The Ukrainian Biolabs are/were NOT the only Biolabs being run by Americans - we have them on our own soil too...sadly. Plum Island, Fort Detrick and other places do exist. Some say they no longer use those facilities, but...yeah, right.

    If Putin has eradicated our Biolabs in Ukraine, he deserves a medal. He knows how filthy our CIA and other Agencies are. Why do you think we went into Afghanistan? We were protecting our 'assets' there - one of which was the vast number of Poppy Fields for the cultivation and production of the Alkaloid compounds for Heroin. Guess who 'oversaw' all that? The CIA. They may just be the world's largest Drug Dealing Organization. Great, huh?

    Research. Research. Research. - IF you have the guts. If you don't, keep yapping "Russia, Russia, Russia" like a complete Brainless Fool.

    The Most Hated People in the Future will be those who Stood around doing Nothing.
