Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Today's Funny: Did the KKK Just Threaten the Shoalanda Speaks Blog?

In the bustle of the holiday season, it's easy to become stressed. We all need a touch of humor at this time of year. We here at Shoalanda Speaks got ours today in the form of a reply to our blog on the mother of the dead Hartline children. We're not sure if it's a joke or not, but it is terribly amusing. 

If the man whose name is used in this comment did not write it, we will happily take it down. If he did...

First, slander is verbal. Perhaps he meant libel? So, let's see...

Emily Hartline hasn't had multiple drug arrests?

Emily Hartline didn't lose her children to the state because she was a meth-head?

Emily Hartline couldn't get her act together in three and one-half years to reclaim her children? (Remember, in that same three and one-half years, she had more arrests, a divorce, and a marriage...but no time to work for custody of her two little ones?)

Emily Hartline isn't trying now to make money from her dead children?

So, big bad KKK guy, where's the libel?

Does anyone really care that Nicholas and Haven Hartline are dead? Is there anyone related to these children that isn't thinking solely about themselves? 

Think This Is The Red Bay Chapter?

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