Saturday, December 7, 2019

Roundabout in Rogersville

So no officers are being investigated in Rogersville? That is good to hear. Surely no one was hoping it was true? 

The more that I have thought about the school sex scandal the more I realize that I am just imagining a porno movie in my head.

This made me stop for a moment and think to myself, who is the pervert now...?
I have always said that the S.S. Blog is great! It offers a much needed service to all members of the Shoals area. The Pen and Sword, on the other hand, needs to drink more Limu! 

Like I have always told you Ms. S, When the mess hits the fan it goes everywhere.

The only details that I really needed to hear was that no child was a witness to any of the goings on, that those who have no self control are dismissed, and that no officer went all Chuck Norris up on someone's face. Even if that person was on top of his wife, and I don't even know if he was?

Should Superintendent Hatton have at least said something? Yes, he should have. But really what could he have said? What do people want Ronnie Owens to say? Give a play by play? 

When an employee quits a job they do not owe an explanation as to the reason why. If you don't believe me ask that former cook at the Fish Creel.

I don't even know if a state employee can be fired without first doing an investigation? It is not like the school board could force the former teachers to not resign, sparing themselves and their families humiliation.

Calling it a sex club was a bit of a stretch.  A Sex Ring was more accurate to this situation, in a round about way.

But that too is nothing new. Every church staff in Lauderdale County has had a sex ring at one time or another.

Speaking of roundabout ways. How many roundabouts do they now have in Florence? Just in time for last minute holiday shopping they have one at the Mall.

I wrecked my car going through it on my way to buy extra Facebook minutes just to send you this message.

Keep up the good work Ms. S. and if I don't see you before Santa is at your door, Merry Christmas!

Your good bud,


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