Monday, December 2, 2019

LIMU Tell Ya

Everything you always wanted to know about LIMU, but hesitated to ask:

1. LIMU is a line of products, mainly consisting of an energy drink line.

2. LIMU is made from seaweed (BTW, Chap-Stick has a new seaweed lip balm coming out. That product might actually be worth the money. Hint: It's quite a bit less than LIMU.)

3. LIMU calls itself a nootropic. Don't feel bad, we'd never heard the word either. Nootropics supposedly increase cognitive function. Feel free to insert your Rogersville jokes here.

4. LIMU costs at least $30.00 for a somewhat large bottle. Let's hope no one tells Coca-Cola and gives them any ideas.

5. LIMU is a multi-level marketing program or MLM. Shoalanda has two pieces of advice for you: 1. Don't ever play poker with a man named "Slick" and 2. Don't ever become involved in a MLM scheme unless you just like throwing your time and money away. Does anyone make money? Sure, but we're pretty sure it wouldn't be you or us.

We've heard from several who tell of not just Lauderdale County High School, but Central and others who not that long ago became ensnared in LIMU fever. Those who joined the seaweed hierarchy were treated better than those who didn't. Whoda thunk it? 

Perhaps there came a point that several LIMU ambassadors realized they were never going to get rich, so they decided to get something else?

The Town of Rogersville has three openings at its police department. Perhaps you get a free bottle of LIMU with every referral?

As for events at the school on Monday, we haven't heard a word. We are pretty sure the halls must have been filled with snickers and we don't mean the Mars candy bar. 

A Tuesday statement or a Wednesday board meeting? We welcome reports from our readers...

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