Saturday, December 21, 2019

Iron City Pot Farm Duo Looking at "Unfair" Sentencing?

Since the raid on the Iron City pot farm, we're constantly hearing how unfair the arrests and possible consequences are. Here's something to think about:

An unscrupulous businessman cons three men out of their life savings. Victim A buys a can of paint and pours it over the conman's luxury car. Victim B takes a baseball bat to the conman. Victim C pulls a handgun and unloads a clip into the grifter. All three crimes were premeditated, yet the first is a Class A misdemeanor, the second a Class B Felony, and the third a Class A felony. 

Would you, the general public, not want these men sentenced for their crimes? All three knew exactly what they were doing was against the law. All three knew exactly what the consequences would be if caught and then chose which crime they would risk.

And, yes, the man and woman arrested in the Iron City drug bust both knew exactly what they were doing and what the consequences were when they began their enterprise. A quick Google search immediately shows the maximum sentence for possession of that many marijuana plants - 30 years. That's not counting the other charges. Remember a stern Tennessee judge could have the pair serve their sentences, if convicted, consecutively. 

Just as with the vandalism to the Baby Trump balloon, you may feel all the sympathy you wish for the culprits, but it's nonetheless still a crime. Don't like the laws? Lobby your state legislature to change them...then cross your fingers.

There's also a great deal of misunderstanding about what's legal in the U.S. At this time, only 11 states have decriminalized the recreational use of marijuana. We're not looking to see Alabama or Tennessee join them anytime soon.

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