Sunday, December 29, 2019

Alabama - Where We Defend our Scumbags

From the local school board (elected or appointed-many school boards in central and south Alabama are appointed and VERY corrupt) all the way to Goat Hill, the leadership in this state is BEYOND corrupt.

No wonder this state is vile, backward, looked down upon by those who are from the outside looking in.

- Horrible school systems. Who cares if we are dead last (#52 in math), our football teams are the primary focus.

- Alabama’s #1 attraction: cheap, uneducated labor. That brings in “ jobs jobs...”. For $10 or less an hour, you too, even with multiple degrees and veterans, can go to work for 7-days a week, 8-10 hours a day, on an assembly line. Ah, but day 89, you will be laid off. Then rehired 2 days later. That is how the companies and temp agencies keep from having to pay benefits. OSHA???? Oh, who is that??? Oh safety...who cares. We will fire you, whistleblower. I learned something: if the restrooms look worse than an outhouse, do not take the job.

- Sheriffs...already mentioned. We have at least 4 convictions for illegal/unethical acts.

- Prison system: unconstitutional IAW the 8th Amendment. Need I say more????

- Opioid and other drug epidemics: when your state is so backward, it is depressing. So you turn to that. The Mexican Cartels have already set up shop via cheap illegal alien labor in the chicken plants. So now the drug flow from Mexico via Texas along I20/I10/I65 flows freely and hidden in the rural areas. Pick your poison. It starts with marijuana. IN THE SCHOOLS (yes, first time I smelled it was 4 years ago at the SE Alabama high school I taught-babysat-at; USMC recruiter told me he caught the students smoking it before school, perhaps that is why the school was out of control with a 90% teacher turn over rate). Then meth. Then....if you are still alive, to something else. News flash to you pot heads out there: every meaningful career (military) or job I ever had where the pay was REAL GOOD, you had to pee in a cup...all 400 milliliters (that is metric system for those that do not know). Piss hot (positive for drugs) job for you!!!

Speaking of cartels: ladies, parent(s): watch yourself and your kids. Human trafficking is alive and well. Atlanta to Tuscaloosa is an infamous corridor. We have a 29-yr old female missing. Over a week. Left the bar with “two heavyset black men”....”help me, I think I am in danger...”- last text message received 20 December...nothing heard since, zero activity on her credit card or bank accounts.

- Lack of broadband internet and cellular coverage: goes along with failed school systems. The “internet is a luxury” adage is SOOOO 1990s way of thinking. If you cannot download Google Chrome, how can your child use Google Classroom in order to conduct their school work? How can a business operate? How can one pay their bills? Banking? Apply for college/career/job/work from home??? Oh, you have AT&T DSL, Century Link...all at tortoise speeds. But one cannot, due to slow speeds, download Google Chrome...the download times out.

- Crime, disrespect, etc. What happened????? There are churches on every street corner and county road...

No wonder this state has a brain drain. 45/67 counties’ populations are shrinking. Then again, without quality healthcare, hospitals closing, more are dying than moving in. 

Guess what: Alabama is predicted to lose at least one Congressional seat. Guess what that means: your voice in the D.C. Swamp will be smaller...and guess who gets the seat we lost: Commiefornia, New York, Florida (states people LOVE to hate), Texas...News flash: 85% of the US population live in urban/suburban areas. Soon all of the farms and forests will be owned by outsiders and hedge find managers...look up Sidney, Nebraska. Population @6,500. The corporate HQ of Cabelas. Read what happened after Cabelas was bought and sold to Bass Pro Shops by Marc Singer, a billionaire hedge fund manager. Guess what, Shoals: you MIGHT want to take heed...

Our leadership, BOTH PARTIES, have failed us. Then again, when your school systems are just “passing on” students to get them in that workforce, holding NO ONE to account, well, you get what you pay for. Think about that the next time the young cashier is taking a long time to make your change.

And everyone say amen....AYE-MEN!!!! ask: who are the scummiest people in Alabama?

Look in the mirror: “We have met the enemy...and they are us.”


LTC John E. Cole,
US Army (retired)

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