Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Tale of One Professional Panhandler

A Professional Florence Panhandler

A True Tale in which Shoalanda Fell Victim

About a month ago, I had just exited Walgreen's and was placing some parcels in the back of my car when I saw someone approaching. I looked up to see a very small, grizzled white lady wearing a toboggan; she immediately began her spiel. She had cancer and needed her medicine, but didn't have the co-pay of $10.00. Could I help?

My immediate thought was scam since the lady didn't seem too hesitant about asking, but she looked very weak and frail and appeared to be on foot in some very cool weather. I told her I didn't ever carry much cash, but might have a dollar. As I looked in my purse, I saw three one dollar bills. What if I or someone I loved ever had to resort to begging on the street? I took the bills from my bag and handed them to her and wished her well. 

Yes, I could have insisted on going back into the drug store with her, or asked for information so that I could contact an organization on her behalf, but I was rushed for time. Unlike most panhandlers, she didn't say she needed the money for food or gasoline, so I felt there was at least a possibility her tale of woe was genuine. If it wasn't? I had treated her in a positive manner and would have no regrets over failing to help someone who appeared to be in real need.

Now, approximately four weeks later, the problems of panhandling have been brought to the attention of many due to the City of Florence's stance on Room at the Table. Yesterday's blog brought multiple comments on this particular grifter.

It seems the woman is, according to readers, a meth addict. She often begs downtown around FloBama and has also been seen inside the club drinking at the bar. So much for my $3.00.

Will this change my stance on giving to those who ask? No. It will simply change the outcome of any future pleas I might receive from this lady. 

Now you have been warned about her. Give if you want to buy her a drink; if not, don't. Her actions don't change the real needs of many in Florence and the Shoals area. If nine out of ten are scam artists, should we not help the tenth who is truly in need?

Kudos to Room at the Table for handling any criticism in an extremely positive manner. This organization is requesting its supporters reply to any harsh words or even threats with nothing but kindness.

Florence is lucky to have Room at the Table here. Let's all get behind this work and support it to the fullest!

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