Monday, September 23, 2019

The UNA Frat Boys Said WHAT?!!!

Even though it was in the last millennium, Shoalanda can remember attending just a few UNA football games. The later the quarter, the more refreshed some male students would become. It wasn't pretty then, and it's certainly not pretty now.

We've all heard that some from Alabama A&M in Huntsville feel they were not treated especially well at a recent UNA home game. Some with whom we've been talking tell us that we don't know the half of it.

As the time clock ticked and A&M began to solidify its lead, the liquor flowed and some male students, described to us as "fraternity guys," began to use some very abusive language. Mainly it was the "n-word." Isn't that enough?

We're not sure how something like this can be stopped. Do we need second grade hall monitors to walk the perimeter of the field listening for racial slurs? Isn't this a sad commentary on our university and our town? 

We don't blame anyone from A&M if they don't want to visit Braly Stadium again. If this rivalry should continue, it will be two years before the Huntsville team comes back to Florence. In that time, perhaps we can instill a modicum of decency in some frat boys?

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