Wednesday, September 11, 2019

"Some People Did Something" Much Closer to Home

On the anniversary of 9/11, it's fitting to look at today's political world. Even our congressman Mo Brooks said nothing would or could come from chastising Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota for her horrid comment concerning the terrorist attacks. 

When you think of Minnesota, you probably think of 3M, Scandinavians, and Mary Tyler Moore. Things change. Yet, we in Alabama cannot control what happens in Minnesota, nor should those in that state control what happens here.

What we can control are our own elected officials; however, we usually don't. Think about this: What is the difference in Ilhan suggesting that the deaths of 3,000 people is a mere "something" and Roy Moore suggesting homosexuals should be exterminated? Make no mistake, we consider Moore's words much more egregious due to the fact that he presents himself as a Christian. 

Isn't it time the state of Alabama held its politicians to a much higher standard? 

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