Thursday, February 29, 2024

Special: A Word on Four Mayors


We've had someone ask about reader commentaries on local mayors. We can tell you this:

1. Tuscumbia Mayor William Foster - Very few comments sent to us. Some wonder if he'll run for a full term in 2025. Others think he should watch his back concerning whom he hires to promote the city. Nothing substantial concerning his job performance.

2. Sheffield Mayor Steve Stanley - Mainly readers asking if Stanley is obtuse enough to think he can win a second term. Some just ask how "dumb" Stanley is in general.

3. Muscle Shoals Mayor Mike Lockhart - Readers criticize his exorbitant spending, his lack of care for most employees, and his favoritism for other employees. Some complain he spends too much time with a judge pal. We never hear of anyone who is even slightly happy with Lockhart, aka Lockhard. 

4. Florence Mayor Andy Betterton - Readers complain of Andy's demeanor at work, stating he curses in front of anyone. Others complain about his napping on the job or his frequent trips to the county court house complex. Still others complain of his lack of respect for department heads and lament the misplaced votes of citizens who were led astray concerning Mayor Holt's job performance.

These observations all come from readers, most of whom actually work at the various city halls or some who visit regularly.


Voters, What Say You?


  1. If we resided in Sheffield, we would be at every council meeting until Stanley told us what his plan for the Inspiration Landing property was!

  2. I think Stanley and LetsGoBrandon drink from the same water fountain.
