Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Whataburger? What a Shame!


The 02/20/24 Florence city council meeting was mainly uneventful. The agenda was house cleaning items although this reporter was glad to see item (w) on the consent agenda: Resolution to approve the agreement with the Homeless Care Council of Northwest Alabama, in the amount of $5,000.00 for the “CLIP” program sponsored by Mayor Betterton and the council.

“CLIP” is the abbreviation for Community Lauderdale ID Program. This would help homeless individuals who have lost their identification to obtain new documents and ID. It would pay for any fees involved and assist with travel to different locations to get items such as birth certificates, state id’s and other necessary documents. The necessity of this program was mentioned in my last article, and it is very encouraging to see the council act promptly to help those in need in the city of Florence. That was my rose, now for my thorn.

During his “remarks from the mayor” Andy Betterton recognized Dr. Cory Beale from Florence City Schools who talked of the “Launch” program available to students who qualify in the school system. This is an intern and apprenticeship program whose mission is to “provide students with career-focused work experiences that promote knowledge and skill evaluation while maximizing development.” It is a valuable work/study program that has been utilized in some form or another for decades. This reporter remembers something similarly available back in the dark ages when I was a student at one of the TWO high schools in the city of Florence. But, I digress.

Andy Betterton brought up four students who had participated in the program through work/study with the city of Florence in the customer service department. A couple made excellent speeches and exemplified the best of what their generation has to offer. A remark was made by one of the council members that the program readied the students for “real world” employment. What crossed my mind immediately was that it was a shame that this council and mayor during their current terms have not brought in the types of jobs that these students could obtain HERE in the city of Florence to make enough money to survive on above the poverty level. 

From “Whataburger" to “Slim Chickens,” all that the Florence new job market has offered during the last almost 5 years are service and hospitality jobs. Although they are forced to pay slightly over minimum wage to get employees, these are not the types of jobs that one usually apprentices for. These young people's internship with the city is great but if they expect a permanent job someday remember nepotism in the city of Florence can only go so far. I mean, how far down the line can Dick Jordan’s relatives go to fill out the employee roster for the city of Florence? It seems like he has gone past “third cousin, once removed” already!

As has been the case for a couple of decades now, to use your education and “real world experience” for a good job with a decent salary if you are a young person from Florence, reserve a U-Haul. Whataburger, what a shame.


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