From a concerned Muscle Shoals resident:
Who’s doing the coaching at Muscle Shoals?
Why are coaches entering the Muscle Shoals school system and being corrupted and consumed with politics?
It seems that our coaches are allowing players with ‘talent’ to be disrespectful and selfish as long as the result is a win for the school. Why are they allowing unnecessary drama to fester between the players without punishing the instigator?
Our coaches are allowing these ‘self-praised’ players to stringing them along and no one with any sort of authority is stepping up and putting a stop to it. We know why…because it all makes them look good if a player’s stats are high and will bring some attention to the school. How can coaches just sit by like puppy dogs and expect to be respected?
All talent and skill for a player goes down the drain if that player is arrogant, disrespectful and egoistic.
Let me give you some examples…
…Selfish players that claim to be ‘all that’ feeling the need to parade up and down the court, forcing shots without distributing the ball to other talented players on their team.
…Coaches ignoring insults made by selfish players to other team mates and not punishing that player because he (the coach) is scared of the player leaving the school.
If you are a true coach, you should be able to take any team of players that is respectful, humble and willing to learn and mold them into your state winning team. A Coach should not feel threatened by a player leaving the school, and tolerate disrespect, to him or others on the team.
…Why is it okay for a Coach to bench certain players and not play them all season because they had an emotional outburst, but when other selfish players do the same, it is overlooked. We know why…the Coach doesn’t want to risk losing that player.
PSA to the Coach: There are other hardworking skilled players on the team that will win games and take you to State without the smugness and disrespect and you will feel good about it because you as an adult and Coach, know you’re doing the right way and not selling your soul. What good is it to player, and what does it prove by having a player that’s been sitting on the bench all game, go in with less than a minute left in the game? We know why… to say to yourself and any questioning parent that the player did ‘have court time.’ How do you sleep at night?
Situations listed above are just some examples of the type of nonsense that goes on within Muscle Shoals Athletics.Parents that have had kids go through the system know all about it, but they are not bothered with it since their kid has since graduated and it is no longer is their problem to deal with. But the issues keep cycling year after year and nothing is being done about it.
How do we try to stop it?
Coaches need to focus their coaching skills on the team and not ride the coat tail of their “star player”
Coaches need to put their foot down and tell the administrators of the school system that they’re not selling their souls and going and turning against young humble, coachable athletes in the community.
Coaches need to recognize and admit when they messed up and take ownership and not be trampled by overbearing parents.
Come on Coaches, we can do better. Let Muscle Shoals School System be known for its great academics AND honest athletic system. Stand up and be the change we need…but we know why that may never happen though. JOB SECURITY!