Thursday, January 31, 2019

Who's Doing the Coaching at Muscle Shoals?

From a concerned Muscle Shoals resident:

Who’s doing the coaching at Muscle Shoals?

Why are coaches entering the Muscle Shoals school system and being corrupted and consumed with politics?

It seems that our coaches are allowing players with ‘talent’ to be disrespectful and selfish as long as the result is a win for the school. Why are they allowing unnecessary drama to fester between the players without punishing the instigator?

Our coaches are allowing these ‘self-praised’ players to stringing them along and no one with any sort of authority is stepping up and putting a stop to it. We know why…because it all makes them look good if a player’s stats are high and will bring some attention to the school. How can coaches just sit by like puppy dogs and expect to be respected?

All talent and skill for a player goes down the drain if that player is arrogant, disrespectful and egoistic.

Let me give you some examples…

…Selfish players that claim to be ‘all that’ feeling the need to parade up and down the court, forcing shots without distributing the ball to other talented players on their team.

…Coaches ignoring insults made by selfish players to other team mates and not punishing that player because he (the coach) is scared of the player leaving the school.

If you are a true coach, you should be able to take any team of players that is respectful, humble and willing to learn and mold them into your state winning team. A Coach should not feel threatened by a player leaving the school, and tolerate disrespect, to him or others on the team.

…Why is it okay for a Coach to bench certain players and not play them all season because they had an emotional outburst, but when other selfish players do the same, it is overlooked. We know why…the Coach doesn’t want to risk losing that player.

PSA to the Coach: There are other hardworking skilled players on the team that will win games and take you to State without the smugness and disrespect and you will feel good about it because you as an adult and Coach, know you’re doing the right way and not selling your soul. What good is it to player, and what does it prove by having a player that’s been sitting on the bench all game, go in with less than a minute left in the game? We know why… to say to yourself and any questioning parent that the player did ‘have court time.’ How do you sleep at night?

Situations listed above are just some examples of the type of nonsense that goes on within Muscle Shoals Athletics.Parents that have had kids go through the system know all about it, but they are not bothered with it since their kid has since graduated and it is no longer is their problem to deal with. But the issues keep cycling year after year and nothing is being done about it.

How do we try to stop it?

Coaches need to focus their coaching skills on the team and not ride the coat tail of their “star player”

Coaches need to put their foot down and tell the administrators of the school system that they’re not selling their souls and going and turning against young humble, coachable athletes in the community.

Coaches need to recognize and admit when they messed up and take ownership and not be trampled by overbearing parents.

Come on Coaches, we can do better. Let Muscle Shoals School System be known for its great academics AND honest athletic system. Stand up and be the change we need…but we know why that may never happen though. JOB SECURITY!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

"I Am Tired of This!"

I sat here watching the news last night while my wife Harley was cooking dinner. There was a news story of a Mobile, Alabama Police Officer that had been shot to death earlier in the day. I could not believe my eyes and ears. This was a young Police Officer killed by a 19 year old Male with Felony Warrants. The reporter stated that this Officer had a young wife and kids. The Mobile, Alabama Police Chief said that this is the 2nd Mobile Police Officer killed in a year’s time. 

Not only was Officer Tuder a Police Officer for the City of Mobile, Alabama, but he was a Specialist in the National Guard. This young man has served his country only to be killed in the line of duty in the United States. This is a terrible, terrible thing. 

Earlier this week a veteran of the Birmingham, Alabama Police Department was killed. He was a Sergeant with that Department. He was shot while talking to a suspect. A second Officer was as shot but survived. The Sergeant was 44 years old. I watched his funeral on Facebook. Agencies from all over including the Quad Cities attended the funeral. I saw a photo that sent chills down me. A lone Police Officer stood out in the pouring rain presenting honors to the deceased.

Yesterday, a Michigan Police Officer was shot in the face during a traffic stop. He was able to get back to his police car to radio for help. The suspect is still at large.

Ok, here is where the rant starts. I am so tired of this! This has to stop. I do have a relative that is a Police Officer in Nashville, TN. I pray for him each day. He has been there about 15 years. Every time I talk to him, he tells me it is not like it used to be. No one has respect for Law Enforcement Personnel. I cringe every time the phone rings and I see a TN number, thinking that it is a call where he has been hurt or killed.

I truly believe his statement. People don’t respect the Police anymore.

When I was a kid growing up in Decatur, if you got in trouble with the police you were afraid. Also, you knew if your parents found out, you were going to get into double trouble. My generation grew up looking up to Police Officers. Let me stop for a moment. When I say Police Officer, I mean all types. It doesn’t matter if it is a City Police Officer, State Trooper, Sheriff’s Deputy, University Police, Game Warden or Federal Law Enforcement, they should all be looked up to. They are doing a job many of us couldn’t and wouldn’t do.

These men and women miss meals, their kids' events, birthdays, holidays to be on the job. They get cold, hot, wet and hungry. They are dealing with good people who have had bad things happen to them but they are also dealing with the dregs of our Society. They do not get paid what they should to place their lives on the line for you and me.

Officer Tuder was killed by a 19 year Male. First it doesn’t matter if you're 10 years old or 50 years old, it’s wrong. Females kill just as fast. What makes these people think that killing a Police Officer is ok?

One of the problems in today’s Society is there is not proper punishment for crimes. I strongly believe if you kill a Police Officer, you should go to the front of the line for execution. Back in the Old West, we had Public Hangings. Maybe we should bring that back. In today’s Society, everyone is getting offended about everything. Where have True Values gone. Our kids are snorting Condoms and Tide Pods. Where is the sense in that?

Where did this downfall of respect come from? I am not sure. Some say it was the advent of MTV. I guess it could be. It introduced cultures to our young that they had not been previously seen. I remember when Ice-T had the song “F*&%K the Police” Where is that socially accepted? Our kids and adults don’t need to hear that garbage.

If our Police Officers continue to be killed off, it will not be long before they won’t protect us anymore. If that happens who are you going to call when your house gets broke into, or a drunk driver hits your mailbox, or your daughter has a wreck? No one. That’s right. NO ONE !!!

People, we have to make a change. We have to educate our children to look up to Police Officers. Stop them from listening to all this garbage music about killing the Police. Our children are our future. These men and women in blue, grey, tan, etc, are there to help us and safeguard us. Let’s show some appreciation. 

I went to the Officer Down Memorial Page while writing this article. This is what I found:

Police Officers killed in 2018: 148

Police Officers Killed in 2019: 9

This is UNACCEPTABLE. So many men and women killed before their lives were meant to be over. It hurts my heart to think about these Protectors of Society that lost the battle of tying to keep us safe. Their mothers, fathers, kids and relatives mourn their passing every day. I have seen on several websites that I looked at while doing research for this article, a Bible verse. The verse is:

Matthew 5:9 New International Version (NIV)

9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.

These Police Officers, these Children of God, are in fact the Blessed. Let’s treat them that way.

Rant over.

That’s it for now. But remember that the Midnight Rider will always be around to voice his/her/their (?) opinion.

I am and always will be...

The Midnight Rider


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

John Elkington Tells Sheffield to Clean up Its Act

Memphis property developer John Elkington has told the City of Sheffield to clean up its act. No, not just the proposed entrances to Inspiration Landing, but the entire city, more of less. Specifically addressed were the areas around the railroad tracks and the mixed bag downtown.

The year 2019 marks the fifth calendar year that Elkington has been involved with the Sheffield development project, so why is he just now addressing these cosmetic issues? Lack of investors once they view the fair city, perhaps?

The choice of wording "we need to clean up..." was particularly entertaining. Should we expect to see Elkington out and about in Sheffield wearing his reflective vest and wielding a trash pickup device? If any do, please take pics and forward them to us.

Sheffield - Making Town Creek Look Good for Decades

Years ago, we called Sheffield the pothole capital of the Shoals. That hasn't changed. If any investors from the Memphis or Atlanta area do decide to take an up close look at Sheffield, we sincerely hope they don't arrive in their own vehicle. Once these prospective moneybags crossed over into the city proper, how long would it take for them to turn around and head back to civilized terrain?

For those confident that Elkington can secure his funding for the project, perhaps you should Google "The Forge - Birmingham" or "Saddle Creek - Germantown." 

Proposed Home of the Elkington Center

Monday, January 28, 2019

Who Owns the Ag Center Anyway?

As stated in the July 12, 2017 Lauderdale County Commission meeting minutes: 

Commissioner Holmes moved, seconded by Commissioner Parker to approve a resolution that authorizes three appointments to the Lauderdale County Agriculture Authority. The three appointments are Roger Garner, Joe Hackworth, and Judge Edward Tease.

Commissioner Garner explained that the Agriculture Authority will be the governing board which will handle the money and hiring of a director for the new center. Commissioner Garner also stated that there will be an advisory council in addition to the Agriculture Authority Board which will be made up of people who are experts in the field who will advise the director and assist in planning events.

Commissioner Parker stated that Roger Garner and Joe Hackworth were picked for the Agriculture Authority board because they have been working on this project from the beginning and he also stated that Judge Tease would bring legal expertise to the board. Commissioner Holmes stated that the board members will be working on the loan for the building, the construction of the building and they will also hire the director who will handle the day to day operations and events.

Commissioner Holmes stated that he has confidence in the appointments that the Commission has chosen. Commissioner Hackworth stated that he is honored to be appointed to this board and that the advisory council will be the people with the expert knowledge and provide the input needed.

Commissioner Hackworth also stated that the advisory council will not be encumbered like the executive board will be. There being no further discussion, a roll call vote was taken.

 Commissioner Hackworth – abstain
 Commissioner Parker – yea
 Commissioner Holmes – yea
 Commissioner Garner – abstain

and upon vote taken, motion unanimously approved. Resolution is herein recorded and made part of these minutes. 

It is safe to assume that Rep. Greer, Rep. Pettus, and Senator Melson were bestowed board memberships prior to this meeting? It is unclear if the seventh board member (Ronnie Lane) had already been chosen, or if they were saving a seat for Humphrey Lee?

What was presented as fact in the appointments to the Lauderdale County Agriculture Board has been confirmed untrue, when at a recent Lauderdale County Commission meeting Commissioner Garner stated that an advisory board did not exist.  

We the people of Lauderdale County ask that the County Commission appoint an advisory board. If that is not feasible we ask that all appointees to the ag board be declared null & void, and for discussion from the community in seeking their replacements. The legislation behind the new state laws governing the Ag Center are a very serious matter. New state laws were passed for the Ag Center that affect every individual living in the state of Alabama. 

Thank you,

Uncle Zack

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Noose Tightens Around E.J.

The man has seen the dog before. It's a husky who's always been on a leash, but now she's not. She's running free, and it's his chance to lure the creature away while her former military owner isn't around. A few hand motions, maybe some whistles, and she's behind his house. Neighbors hear a gunshot.

Who kills a service dog? Someone who has already reportedly killed a bulldog last year. Do we all see a pattern here? 

The investigation has begun. The detective says it looks like a felony case to him. Is E.J. worried yet? He should be, don't you think?

They're coming for you, E.J.!

Let's All Raise a Leg to E.J.!

National Weather Service has just updated the snow forecast. Get your larder stocked up before Midnight and remain warm and safe. We can't afford to lose any readers!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Inspiration Landing Might Break Ground "This Year?"

Inspiration Landing projected ground breaking dates:

1. Spring 2018
2. December 31, 2018
3. February 15, 2019
4. December 31, 2019

If only there were some kind of pattern...then we could see how things are going. Another big "If Only" is actual investors. Even Bryan Robinson told the Shoals that DreamVision had investors in place. Of course, Bryan's in prison now...

And how about that Susann Hamlin of Colbert County tourism? Sharp as Sweeny Todd's razor, isn't she? From the TD:

Hamlin said. "It's important they (tourists) have something to do."

Novel concept. Oh, well. That's why Hamlin is the director of tourism and we're not.

In case anyone isn't quick enough to invest in Inspiration Landing, remember you still have time to get in on the grand floor of Shoalanda's Hoverboards.

Friday, January 25, 2019

They're Coming for You, EJ!

They're coming for you, EJ.

Yes, you. You who killed the Husky for no reason.

They're coming for you.

Didn't know anyone saw you, did you?

They're coming for you.

You committed a felony.

They're coming for you.

It's just your initials now. It will be your name and photo when you're arrested.

They're coming for you.

We'd ask you why you did it, but we know.

They're coming for you.

Mia wasn't the first dog you've killed.

They're coming for you.

You're an evil man.

They're coming for you, EJ!

Mia: Murdered by a Madman

Thursday, January 24, 2019

And in News from Montgomery...

Do you look to the TimesDaily for news from the state capitol? If you do, you haven't had any since October 31st. Yes, Halloween is the date of the most recent post in the TD section of news from Montgomery.

We realize that Alabama being Alabama, not much happens in our capitol. Yet surely something has happened in the last 10 weeks?

Closer to home, the proposed Ag Center is in the news again. At least one reader asked us if the proposed economic feasibility study had been completed. We do not know and haven't heard it mentioned in several weeks. 

What if the study indicated that the center would never break even? We're guessing that wouldn't matter to those who are pushing the event complex. 

How many of you attended the most recent board meeting? Aha! Then let's not complain. How many county parents attended the last meeting of the Lauderdale Board of Education? Do most parents care what's happening and what will happen in the future to our county schools? Sadly, we're guessing they don't.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How About Some Toxic Chicken?

The Gillette Company: We haven't purchased anything from them in years because of their animal testing policies. Now they're in the news for their "Toxic Masculinity" campaign. Is the company sincere? Who knows. We do think the campaign has been misunderstood.

Think about the headline "Toxic Chicken." You would probably think chicken with salmonella or some such. You wouldn't think the article you were about to read meant all chicken was toxic, would you? Similarly, we think the term "Toxic Masculinity" has been misunderstood.

We've highlighted a lot of bad boys over the years, most of whom have regularly beaten up their then girlfriends. Notice anything about their rap sheets? No assaults on men. Why? We're guessing because men can hit back pretty hard.

These local bullies not only do drugs, steal, and generally misbehave, they all keep their women in line with a little left hook. Some of them will have animal abuse on their records as well, but whether they've been arrested for it or not, you can count on their having abused more than their girlfriends.

And over and over, we see these women take up for these s.o.b.'s. Besides Toxic Masculinity, perhaps Gillette could showcase Imbecilic Femininity?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Yes, Males Are Treated Differently Than Females

Several readers have asked us our opinion on the manslaughter indictment of Kate Boggus, the driver responsible for the deaths of three teenage boys. Almost all of them thought she should not be punished for her two crimes, or is that three or four?

Yet almost universally, our readers thought Ryan Tolliver Johnson should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in the death of a Lexington youth. Yes, there were differences. Johnson's blood alcohol level indicated he was quite drunk, but only one died at his hands, not three.

So are women seen as more innocent? It would seem so. Just as women deserve equal rights, they also deserve equal punishment under the law.

Have you heard about the ringworm crisis in Alabama? No, didn't think so. Probably because there's not one. It must be fun to live in the Bronx...

FTR, there are hookworm infestations in South Alabama. What can a county do when there are no funds for adequate drainage of sewage? Should health officials condemn each dwelling with sewage problems? What then? These homeowners can't be relocated to public housing if there is none in that county. Relocate to another county and shut the door to the poorer governments on the way out? It might be the only answer.

Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to live in Northwest Alabama. Sure we like to gripe about increased sales tax, but if this is our worst problem, we're all doing pretty well.

Monday, January 21, 2019

The Word of the Day is "Integrity"

This article is about Tuscumbia, Alabama Mayor Kerry Underwood. I was sitting at the restaurant here in Town Creek the other morning. I was reading the Times Daily while I was eating. I came upon the article concerning the City of Tuscumbia passing an amendment to their 2019 budget due to a mistake by Mayor Underwood. 

Tuscumbia Mayor Kerry Underwood

So that we are on the same page, here is the article from the Times Daily:

“TUSCUMBIA — City Council members have voted to amend the fiscal 2019 budget after an accounting error placed the budget $100,000 into the red.

Mayor Kerry Underwood, a certified public accountant, said he made a typographical error in his spreadsheet for the 2019 budget.

The council adopted a general fund budget of $7,874,518 in anticipated expenses.

Underwood said he made some moves in the budget to make up the $100,000 loss.

"I think I underestimated our sale of surplus property," Underwood said. "I think I overestimated the cost of repairs and equipment."

He said there are also some openings in the Police Department that may take some time to fill, which should provide some additional revenue.

"I think we can make it work," Underwood said. "I took the blame for it."

Councilwoman Katie Logan said she's being optimistic the city can make up the additional revenue.

"It's one of those things that's got to be fixed," Logan said. "We can't let that slide."

She agreed with the mayor that there will be savings in maintenance and equipment since the city will be replacing numerous pieces of equipment with the proceeds of a $2.5 million bond issue the council approved last year.

"Hopefully, maintenance will be down this year," she said. "The department heads are doing really well keeping costs down."

She said the council continues to reach out to business owners to lure them to Tuscumbia to help increase the sales tax base.

The last thing she would want to do is make cuts in services, Logan said.

"We have that bond money, so we're not in the hole like we have been in the past," Logan said.

Council member Mike Isom said he voted to approve the amendment.

"He sent us an email on it a night or two before the meeting," Isom said of the mayor's quick action to announce the error.

He said the mayor discussed the error with council members during the meeting.

"I don't know if it was brought to his attention of if he caught it," Isom said.

Isom said he wants to discuss it further with the mayor.

"I will talk to him in the next few days," he said.”

I sat back and thought about what I had read. Mayor Underwood took the blame for something that he had done, even though it was an accident. That is something new in this day and time. In further thought, I decided I like this Underwood guy. Never met him, but I have to respect him. This boy has Ethics and Integrity. Don’t see much of that in today’s politics.

So let’s define those two terms. Going to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, we found the following definitions:

Definition of Ethic -

ethics plural in form but singular or plural in construction : the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation

ethics plural : a set of moral issues or aspects (such as rightness)

Definition of Integrity

1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY

2: an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS

3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS

Mayor Underwood made a mistake. He contacted the Council and told them about the mistake. He furthermore took full responsibility for the mistake and then the Council voted for an amendment to solve the problem. That is Government working as it should. With the dirty politics that is seen on TV, read about in newspapers or on Social Media, it is refreshing to see a group of ELECTED people work for what is best for their City.

This is how America is supposed to work. We elect people to represent us. These people make decisions to help us as well as the City, Town or State that we live in. To see a small town do this, gives me hope that this country has a chance on bouncing back or getting back on track.

So in conclusion, I must say to Mayor Underwood, well done. You messed up but you were man enough to stand up and take the blame or repercussions for it. I applaud you. Everyone, let’s give Mayor Underwood a golf clap. Festus the dog just gave you a “woof” of support.

That’s it for now. But remember that the Midnight Rider will always be around to voice his/her/their (?) opinion.

I am and always will be...

The Midnight Rider

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Another Death on Paradise Drive

Regular readers will remember our previous blogs on the dangerous problems connected to Paradise Drive in Waterloo. Today that stretch of road claimed another life. From Hank Thomas:

Today one of the leaders who has worked over 13 years to get the many safety defects corrected on Paradise Drive lost his life in one of the defect areas in a head-on collision. Dr. Gil Parrish who has fought so hard to protect the citizens who live and drive on Paradise Drive was killed. I had sent an email on January 14, 2019 to the commission Chairman reminding him that nothing had been done to improve the safety of Paradise road since the young man's death in May of 2012. 

The Chairman called me on Thursday January 17, 2019 and advised me he would come down to view the road in a week or two. I encouraged him to bring the road engineer and anyone else he wished to bring. Dr. Parrish and I had made plans to be available when the Chairman makes his visit. Today I sent an email advising the Chairman of Dr. Parrish's death on the road and assured him I still wanted to meet ASAP. Thought you would wish to know.

We realize that progress takes time and that many of the initial holdups on the Waterloo situation can be placed at the feet of former commission chair Dewey Mitchell. Let's not let Dr. Parrish's death be in vain. The economy is on an upturn, and revenues are available for this project. 

Thanks to Mr. Thomas for persevering with this unfortunate situation and our sympathies to the family of Dr. Gil Parrish.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

"I've Been Robbed!"

QUICK, call the police, I’VE BEEN ROBBED!

I was simply going through my morning routine. Drinking my coffee, checking my email, bank statement and reading the online version of the Times Daily. I see a headline that at first I thought may have been a typo proclaiming Florence had raised their sales tax. I read the article, written in the usual “Where’s Waldo” style of information that the TD is famous for, and only gathered that a 1% sales tax had been passed by the Florence City council in the meeting the night before. It stated the tax raise was to supplement the salaries of firefighters and policemen in the city, that there was a standing ovation, a couple of folks “kind of” suggested that the vote be delayed due to one of the councilpersons not being there, but generally was passed with much praise and agreement.

One thing I found out, after Comcast “supposedly” dropped the broadcast of the city council meetings, is you can join the city FB group and get a live streaming version online. (This is not well publicized):

So, I viewed the video to see if I had missed some kind of discussion or input from the public before this tax was passed. What I saw seemed like a hostage situation where it looked like the entire force of the police and firefighters in the city of Florence were crammed into a room demanding a pay raise. It was certainly a show of force.

There were a few folks; Dr. Barry Morris was one, who were somehow clairvoyant enough to know this tax was on the agenda and voiced their opposition and concern. Mainly, the concerns were the suddenness of this vote and lack of transparency. It WAS mentioned that one of the councilpersons was not there but that was a plea to table this vote until the next meeting. The city was not going to do it. They needed to vote and vote NOW!

Complaints from Florence police and firefighters about pay have been made since I can remember. I am 65 years old, but this vote COULD not wait! WHY???? No reasons given by the councilpersons attending, no explanation of how the money would be distributed. ONLY, that the raise in taxes would produce approximately 9 million dollars ANNUALLY for salaries and OTHER PURPOSES? WHAT OTHER PURPOSES? Aren’t there several being juggled right now?

I finished watching this meeting feeling like I had been the victim of a robbery. Actually, I WAS! BUT, who do I call???? The Florence police?

Friday, January 18, 2019

Sami Did What?/Two Views on Shooting

From a GoFundMe page: 

Sami and her family experienced a tragedy on Christmas Day. Due to the tragedy they are needing assistance with funding. They are a very lovely family and would give you the very shirt off their back. If you cannot give them (sic) please share any help is appreciated.

Sami experienced a what? Nice the way the GoFundMe page doesn't mention what the "tragedy" was. The page has now been up 14 days and has a $60,000.00 goal. So far, $10.00 has been pledged from one donor. Sounds like ten dollars too much to us.

(There was also a "Justice for Andrew" GoFundMe page, but someone had the good sense and taste to get it removed.)

Now, some thoughts from our D. Claytor on the recent shooting in Hamilton, Alabama:

From the facts presented in the article the only thing wrong it appears Andy did was fire warning shots. That is not legal. If he didn't start the fight and felt his life in danger (a reasonable assumption based on the article) then it sounds like justifiable homicide. Whenever there is a shooting and the deceased didn't have a firearm there is a lot of malarkey about the dead being "unarmed". More people are killed by "unarmed" people than are killed by rifles in the U.S. It only takes one good punch to kill or permanently cripple someone. The only thing I can see that he did illegal was to fire warning shots. That's the kind of TV show nonsense that gets people into trouble.

And some very different thoughts from our Bailey Quarters:

So Sami was afraid of her ex-boyfriend? But she didn't mind arguing with him over a child's coat? Wait, she knew her current squeeze had a gun. Wasn't that a convenient way to get rid of two unwanted men in her life? If Andy does get out of this a free man, he needs to run in the opposite direction from Sami!

Our take? The one point that we found riveting was the comment on warning shots. Aren't they good things? Apparently not.

It seems that if you fire a warning shot, you don't really believe your life is in danger. That may be the Marion County district attorney's rationale to charge Andrew Cochran with Capital Murder. So if a grand jury goes by the letter of the law, Andy has lost his girl, his gat, and his gig and is in for a very long stay in his new accommodations.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Max Sanders Sr.: A Real Piece of Work

We've always advocated clean election campaigns and we similarly advocate clean transitions when an incumbent is defeated. Apparently the new Lawrence County sheriff Max Sanders Sr. doesn't want to play that way. We do realize that an incoming sheriff isn't obligated to retain any of the previous office holder's staff, but terminating ten employees in a department the size of Lawrence County's seems a bit much:

Let us stress that we don't know former sheriff Gene Mitchell or new sheriff Sanders. Therefore, we have no axe to grind and haven't had an opinion on the new sheriff until today when he made it a point to insult Mr. Mitchell when he could have just said nothing or uttered some fluff about new ideas and that he would be keeping the public updated. Apparently Sanders isn't that classy.

Basically the same article featuring Sanders' claims and Mitchell's answer to the accusations has appeared in three local publications, so you won't be at a loss to find it. One of the main things that stood out about Sanders' remarks was that he made a point to blame Mr. Mitchell for any situation he didn't like without bothering to check on any facts. 

Yep. Sounds like Sanders is going to make a great investigator.

You can look forward to a new blog by the Midnight Rider and some very pithy comments by Sheffield Shelly. A new writer, the Avenger, has a profound piece on the increase in Florence sales tax, and two of our regulars have some quite dissimilar comments on the Hamilton shooting. The following few days should prove very interesting.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Let's Play Northwest Alabama "Clue"

The following is a murder mystery of sorts. Look at the characters and facts below and determine the best charge to convict this man on...if any. The facts presented here come mainly from law enforcement, but some more minor details come from friends and witnesses; therefore, much of this is subjective, but here on Blogspot, it's only a game. Feel free to solve the mystery and tell us why you came to the conclusion you did.

The characters:

Jose' - A 48 year-old man who immigrated here from the Philippines. He's a devout Catholic, but has a violent temper. Police have been called to protect others from Jose' many times. Jose' isn't rich, but he likes women and has had several relationships. One with a much younger woman produced two children and a very bitter ex whom he never bothered to marry.

Sami - A young woman in her 20s. After her relationship with Jose' ended, she began to date a local man her own age. She posts plenty of pics on Facebook, but doesn't describe their relationship. Sami tells her new boyfriend just how brutal and controlling Jose' can be. 

Andy - A 29 year-old man who manages an auto parts store. On paper, Andy is something of an enigma. He sports a military haircut, but has at least one body mod. Guns are Andy's passion, and he hangs out with guys from a local motorcycle dealership. He calls Sami his fiance' and dotes on her two children despite her history with Jose'. In fact, Andy feels it's his job to protect Sami and her two children; he carries a Glock .45.

The location: Many people in the small town where our trio live use the police station as a hand off point for online sales or custody transfers. It's Christmas Day, and few officers are at the station - they're all inside wishing they were home. Closed circuit television monitors the parking lot, but it's only a precaution. Nothing ever happens in the small town, much less at the police station.

The scenario: Sami and Andy arrive first at the police station; they have to wait. Finally Jose' shows up with the two children. Inside his vehicle is a woman who may be one of his current girlfriends - she's Sami's aunt. Tension is high, but Sami gets the younger child, a boy, fastened in the back seat where he can't move. Next comes the girl wearing a new coat that Jose' demands she remove before she gets in Sami's vehicle. Sami counter demands the older child keep the new coat for use at home. What starts as bickering soon escalates to shouting.

Enter Andy who naturally wants to protect his beloved. According to Andy and Sami, Jose' is 15 feet from Andy and begins to charge. Jose' doesn't appear armed, but officers later find a penknife in his pocket. Andy fires two warning shots; when Jose' doesn't stop, Andy shoots Jose' twice in the head. (Remember the four shots allegedly occurred in the short time it would take Jose' to charge 15 feet.) Before police can exit the building, a woman arrives to make a custody exchange. She says Andy and Sami are now squabbling and both children are running free on the parking lot around their father's body. 

Police arrest Andy and charge him with Felony Murder. After the district attorney looks at the video footage, he tells police to up the charge to Capital murder since either one or both of Jose's children saw their father shot. A judge agrees with the district attorney and binds Andy over to the grand jury.

Now Clue game players, you're on the grand jury. Do you indict Andy for Capital Murder? Or do you say to heck with Phillip Pettus' new law and indict Andy for Felony Murder? Or do you feel Andy was merely guilty of manslaughter, not meaning to actually shoot Jose' in the head twice? Or was he protecting himself and his new almost family and so you no bill the case?

So ready, set, let's play...

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

FreightCar America - What's Next?

Today FreightCar America in Barton (mailing address Cherokee) in Colbert County announced 145 layoffs. The company cited a slight downturn in the economy related to rail cars and promised to rehire those permanent employees who were affected as soon as possible. 

Many immediately emailed us asking if OSHA violations or similar problems at the plant had contributed to this decision. That we don't have an answer to, but we can enumerate some interesting fine statistics from the plant's record. There have been at least nine government fines levied against the company since 2004. Four of these have been at the Barton plant since 2015 and are enumerated below.

OSHA  February 24, 2015 Safety Violation  $7,000.00

OSHA  September 29, 2015  Safety Violation  $5,000.00

National Labor Relations Board  November 4, 2015  Unfair Practice  $60,000.00

OSHA  March 3, 2018  Safety Violation $12,934.00

A fatal incident from last November and at least one other incident is still being investigated and does not appear in the above list. Will FreightCar America return a stronger and wiser economic force in the Shoals area? Sadly, no one knows the answer to that.

Monday, January 14, 2019

The Gas Tax Is Coming, the Gas Tax Is Coming!

Gov. Kay Ivey has stated she wants an increased gasoline tax in order to fund much needed road repairs in the state. We predict that the tax, in some form, will be passed during the current legislative session. (If we're wrong, it wouldn't be the first time.)

Tax is as old as government itself. How often have you seen taxes lowered? Perhaps more to the point, how else can the state expect to pay for our roads? There is one way, but it's something most of us have not seen in this area in our lifetime. The operative word is TOLL. 

Tell us what you think. If you don't travel a certain road, should you have to pay for it? If you don't want increased gasoline taxes, are you willing to support the alternative of toll roads?

Now from the pothole capital of the Shoals, here's Sheffield Shelly: 

Per your piece on term limits in Sheffield-Believe me, much of the apathy among citizens is due to the fact that they feel ignored. I know several people who have volunteered for vacancies on various boards within the city, but they have been ignored by their city council representatives. There’s a tiny group of people in Sheffield that controls everything. They continue to name and re-name their friends and people whom they feel they can control to these boards so they can be assured of having things run to their liking.

We're often asked about our writers, especially those who write in Colbert County in general and Sheffield in particular. J. Redmon (male) and Sheffield Shelly (female) do live in Sheffield as we've said. The Midnight Rider has commented on Sheffield a great deal, but as far as we know does live, as he says, in the wilds of eastern Colbert County. Leslie M. Shoals resides in Muscle Shoals. 

All other contributors with the exception of one live in Lauderdale County. If you would like to be a regular blogger, send us your columns. Just no vulgarities or libelous statements, please. We also solicit (read: beg for) blogs on local eateries for Quad-Cities Cuisine.