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Waylon Jennings Banned
By: The Midnight Rider
I was sitting eating breakfast this morning in Moulton when an interesting article came on Fox News. Sitting back in my chair, I could not believe what I was hearing. After the article finished, I knew I was going to have to write a story about it.
Here we go. Radio Stations are banning Waylon Jennings' music because of some groups that find his music offensive. What? Have you lost your mind?
So that we are all on the same page, I found the article on another news site. Here it is so you can read it…
Waylon Jennings banned from several country radio stations
Maureen Rextit - Nashville Fox-69 News (EWN)
December 5th, 2018 04:56 PM EST
Radio stations in Nashville Tennessee are removing all songs performed by one time country music legend Waylon Jennings after being bombarded by email from two human rights groups. The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) and the State Wide Suicide Prevention of Tennessee (SWSPT) are working together to get radio stations to ban the artist.
The lyrics to "Luckenbach, Texas" are the issue with these two groups.
Nancy Bugelward of the N.A.A.F.A. told EWN Fox-69 News; "Just listen to what Jennings wrote, it's fat shaming and it needs to be dead and buried like he is!"
The lyric that has upset so many is "The only two things in life that make it worth livin', is guitars that are tuned good and firm feelin' women."
Bugelward went on to say "Jennings is telling people, he'd rather die than touch a woman that isn't firm. Well, I'm very soft, even sort of squishy. Should my husband kill himself because I'm not firm?" she asked. Bugelward continued; "That is just sad. Shame on you Waylon Jennings. You should be forgotten."
Two Nashville radio stations have pulled all the music recorded by Waylon Jennings after receiving over 200 emails from the S.W.S.P.T. which supports suicide prevention in greater Nashville. Carl Drake, Vice President of S.W.S.P.T. said; "Waylon Jennings telling people that there are only two things that make life worth living is irresponsible. A horrible message like that can only make people want to take their lives, that is not okay. That is not the world we want to live in."
Country radio stations WSOX-FM and WNIPQ-FM have pulled all songs by Jennings. The program director of 103.9 FAT PIG COUNTRY said; "Man, I couldn't take all those negative emails. I got almost 160 of them! I have to answer all those. It's easier to just pull the songs. Hell, people don't ask for Waylon that much anymore anyway. Nobody is going to miss "Luckenbach, Texas" and I don't have to fight the NAAFA and the SWSPT."
At last report many other radio stations are considering following suit by monitoring text messages, emails and twitter feeds. This will let them see what songs they can play without upsetting social media and taking the path of least resistance.
Ok we are all on the same page now. Let me start this rant by saying “Have you lost your mind?’ You are offended about a lyric that says “firm feeling women?” So let me get this straight, it’s ok to have modern music that refers to women as b$%&$#s or Hoes, but it is not ok to talk about firm feeling women.
This is not just about being skinny or plus size. Can a plus size female not be firm feeling also? I think that they can. Is this what our country and society as a whole have came to? So much is based on looks these days. I’ll be the first one to tell you (and she will to), my wife Harley is a plus size lady. I stress the word “lady.” She is firm to me and I would not take anything for her or trade her in for a younger version. I told Harley about this article and after reading the above about the ban, she stated “that’s a bunch of Horses$%^t.” You have got to love women that speak her mind.
Now, let’s talk about the underlying aspect of this article. This is a country music legend. His music pioneered the way for several artists after him. What is today’s country music? Country Rap. More like Country Crap. You have performers like Luke Bryan with his skinny jeans that would make Johnny Cash roll over in his grave. Thankfully artists like Chris Stapleton, Jamey Johnson and Cody Jinks are trying to bring back the “roots” of Country Music.
Lastly, I want to say this. I am offended also. I am offended that no one has stood up for the “Guitars that aren’t tuned good.” Someone needs to make a stand for them. See if you can figure that one out.
***Update: When I submitted this article for publication, Shoalanda herself emailed me and told me that the article on Fox News was fake. Now, I am offended again. I am offended that someone that was supposed to be offended, made up fake news and now we are offended. So I guess everyone is offended now.****
As a Christmas Present to the Shoals Area, in my next article, I am going to tell you how to fix Sheffield.
If I don’t talk to you before that special date of December 25th, The Rider Family wishes you a very Merry Christmas.
That’s it for now. But remember that the Midnight Rider will always be around to voice his/her/their (?) opinion.
I am and always will be, the Midnight Rider...