Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Tax Musical Chairs? (Let's Hope It Doesn't Flood in Muscle Shoals)


Oh, what a tangled turkey web...

* Muscle Shoals has a half-cent sales tax voted on by the people and earmarked specifically for flood control. There's even a separate account and all that...all official like.

* Now the city council has agreed to usurp 50% of that for the general budget. To be totally honest, one council member (David Moore) voted against it, but the rest applauded the mayor and city clerk's idea and rubbed their sweaty fingers in glee.

* The big borrow, well actually a steal, is to begin January 1st, but see the next point.

* On November 18th, the city clerk Brittany Walker had 2.5 million dollars transferred from the flood control account to the general budget fund due to an alleged projected shortfall.

* Finally, if you feel bad about all this, just think how funny it is that the mayor and clerk have never managed to figure out who the moles are in their offices. Big snicker, guys!

Props to David Moore who is not happy with what he seems to feel is sloppy flood control and poor maintenance of the town's retention ponds. 

There once was a Muscle Shoals mayor;
He was a pencil pusher, not a dragon slayer.
His clerk was even slower,
But was still quite the go-er.
Too bad the citizenry is the cheated payor.


  1. Muscle Shoals has the 'leadership' it voted for.

  2. While this is important to the citizens of Muscle Shoals we would like to know more about what's going on in Colbert County,FBI Hanging investigation, Sheffield Police Department.

    1. We'll see if we can find any news not previously published. We may all learn something from the march on the 23rd.
