Thursday, December 7, 2023

How the City of Florence Defends Parking Meters


Are parking meters worth it? This is how the City of Florence defends the usage of those ubiquitous urban muggers:

No city, college, airport, hospital or other public institution is in business to make a profit on parking. But strict enforcement of parking regulations designed to improve traffic flow, business development, and efficient transportation can serve as a major disincentive to scofflaws and drivers who may be uncaring about blocking a fire hydrant or emergency lane. And the fines those drivers pay can help defray the need for higher taxes or reduced services.

While we don't believe the list is up to date, the City enumerates 14 locations where fines can be paid via Fine-O-Meter (pictured below). Two of these locations are in North Florence, while the remaining 12 are downtown.

Perhaps we should look on the bright side: Parking in Chicago costs $2.50 to $7.00 per hour. Let's hope Andy doesn't take any future inspiration from the Windy City.

1 comment:

  1. Shoalanda, this is a joke. Right? Surely this "response" did not come from someone in authority in the city of Florence. But then again, look at the "F" logo fiasco so YES, I guess it could. Let's break this down. Just when does a city put a meter in front of a fire hydrant or in emergency lanes? There are traffic laws with fines for those actions. Dandy Andy and crew just raised the rates on PARKING! Are they planning on putting out parking meters in fire lanes now? They could. As I said, these ARE the same folks who gave us the "F" logo. BUT, to end this little missive with; "And the fines those drivers pay can help defray the need for higher taxes or reduced services." is especially rich. Florence already pays the highest retail sales tax rate in North Alabama and the next time there is a major power outage count the number of police officers you see directing traffic at major intersections where the traffic lights aren't working. A homeless man was directing traffic at the light at 7 points one time when I went through when the power was out for a few days last spring. And he was keeping it moving smoothly! NO, the city of Florence would have been better off not throwing their 2 bits in to defend this rate hike. Here's a quarter Andy, call someone who'll listen and might give a damn about one of your sordid affairs etc.etc.etc.
