Monday, December 11, 2023

A Legitimate Take on Inspiration Landing


Perhaps many have heard the story of a store owner who took inventory of his stock. Most counts went something like this: Hmmm, I have two cans of peas in stock, but I really need 12, so I'll put down 12 in the amount column. At the end of the inventory, his store was in excellent shape...on paper.

This seems to be the current state in Sheffield. Mayor and council and others in the city government are waiting for that blasted horse to talk. It's not going to. 

The last that we heard, John Elkington was asking for more utilities, all at the expense of the City. We can safely assume that the Memphis mogul will keep asking for more no matter how much he gets. If you've lost count, this is the tenth year of public IL planning. In three weeks, we'll be going into year 11.

Why can't someone in authority in Sheffield simply say "enough?" Perhaps someone is. Enter Sheffield attorney Bennett Pugh. Here are some recent pithy quotes:

* As the lawyer representing the consultant to the project, it’s dead and those roads and infrastructure were a colossal waste of money. The city built the infrastructure after the lawsuit was filed and knowing that this development was in trouble. I expect a judgment soon that will put an end to this scheme.

* The mayor clearly has not seen the documents that I have and doesn’t realize that the LLC couldn’t even pay my client for his good work on the grant money. Ellington and his LLC couldn’t even pay their lawyer who withdrew and sued them for his fee. Bottom line: he and the LLC were under capitalized for this project and the city’s governing body fell for it.

* ...the prior city council made the transaction and this one doubled down on it. The city will be paying off the bond payments forever.

You may want to read that last entry again. Your children, if not also your grandchildren, will be paying on those two FDA loans the town used to pave and install curbs for roads to nowhere.

And this was not Elkington's first failed project. Yet the City trusted him, deferred to him, honored him. Now isn't it time to sue him?


We have a perfect idea for Sheffield. The tallest man made structure in the world is in Dubai and stands 163 stories. Let's tear down the standpipe and a few stately homes on North Montgomery Avenue. We'll then erect a building with 164 stories. 

Tourists will come from all over the world to see this magnificent complex. Agree? Good. Now give us a few billion for our "creation."


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