Tuesday, May 9, 2023

John Elkington "Avoiding Service of Process"


A post from the Facebook page of "Law Office of Bennett Lee Pugh" states that "John Elkington is avoiding service of process. Inspiration Landing is in the tank." Yet Sheffield is still supporting the project.

Citizens, why are you not at council meetings demanding answers?


Every second Saturday in May, letter carriers in more than 10,000 cities and towns across America collect the goodness and compassion of their postal customers, who participate in the NALC Stamp Out Hunger National Food Drive — the largest one-day food drive in the nation.

To donate, just place a box or can of non-perishable food next to your mailbox before your letter carrier delivers mail on the second Saturday in May. The carrier will do the rest. The food is sorted, and delivered to an area food bank or pantry, where it is available for needy families.

1 comment:

  1. First, it was the now defunct National Alabama Corporation. Then it was DreamVision. Now, it's Inspiration Landing. How many of these 'White Elephants' were vetted by The Shoals Chamber of Commerce?
