The following is taken from a news article originally published four years ago. It's still completely true today:
Should you contribute to local charities only or is the Salvation Army a useful tool to help the homeless, poor, etc.? Perhpaps this will help you decide:
1. The SA is a church with 1.7 million members.
2. The SA church calls its members "Salvationists."
3. The SA church was founded by a Methodist minister; its doctrine is basically that of Methodism without baptism or communion (Lord's supper). Think long and hard about that one!
4. The SA board serves North America, South America, Western Europe, the Caribbean, and Australia.
5. The SA owns film studios which produce profit for the organization.
6. The SA pays workers a wage in most cases.
7. The SA has used government program workers free of charge, while insisting they conform to the SA doctrine.
8. A varying percentage of the money you give locally makes its way to the U.S. headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia.
Do you still want to give to the Salvation Army...or are Room in the Inn and the Bank Independent Toy Drive looking better to you by the minute?