Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Hackworth or Bowen? You Already Know Who'll Win


Can Democrat John Bowen defeat incumbent Republican Joe Hackworth in the Lauderdale County Commission District 2 race? Obviously most voters' money is on Hackworth retaining his seat.

Hackworth is quick to enumerate what the commission has done recently, but we notice he doesn't claim any positives as his own idea. Wasn't there at least some small morsel of a positive innovation that Cousin Joe brought to the table? Apparently not. Hackworth also has the audacity to mention the Ag Center. No word on any new work or timeline updates; he just mentioned he was on the board. 

As for Mr. Bowen, he wants more input from the public. Don't we all? If he could pull this off, he would be a Godsend to the commission. We would also hope he would instruct county employees how to show some respect to those who have differing opinions. We hear the county administrator likes to yell at those with whom she disagrees - all during public meetings, no less.

We're endorsing the fresh input of Mr. John Bowen. We wish him much luck - he'll need it.


  1. When it comes to most sheeple voters in Lauderdale county and the state of Alabama....they vote straight ticket "repulsivecan" and get what they deserve...they voted for it! (insert Tommy Tuberville, etc. etc) When it comes to repulsivecan voters...."You can't fix stupid"

  2. There is no way on Earth ANY Demoncrat deserves consideration.
