Thursday, November 3, 2022

Perks of Being a Lauderdale Commissioner?


A reader from the Rogersville area has an interesting take on a recent paving project:

The Rogersville Town Council is using tax money to lay asphalt on a private road in the town limits.

This follows the Lauderdale County Commission resurfacing County Road 608 - a dead-end road that is only 20% occupied by houses.

The rest of 608 is occupied by a farm belonging to the family of Lauderdale County Commissioner Roger Garner.

What a coincidence! Because the private road that the Town of Rogersville is having paved was created by, and the responsibility of maintaining it belongs to, Garner's family.


A reminder for you...

Did they also profit from the selling of playground equipment that was purchased with RC&D money?*


  1. One word comes to mind re: Rogersville: CORRUPTION.

    1. And has been this way for the last 10, perhaps 20. years.
