Saturday, July 16, 2022

LEOs Don't Need to Show ID? Unfortunately, No


There's a video making the rounds featuring two Sheffield officers. We'll have more on that later; however, the question now is a legal one. Must officers give the public a name or show badge/warrant card?

Apparently, in most states they do not. One exception is California. From what we can gather, Alabama officers are exempt from identifying themselves. We welcome any comments or corrections.

We encourage everyone to obey the law. We also encourage all city, county, and state employees to be polite to citizens. We're limited here, not having the genesis of this situation on video. We hope to have more information soon.


  1. 'A little bit of 'knowledge' is a dangerous thing...'

    1. Go to school, learn a little. live dangerously.

  2. The problem with most of these 'social justice warriors' is they don't do ENOUGH research to adequately make an argument. They do 'just enough' to get their asses in a sling and have to have their parents bail them out.
