Sunday, July 3, 2022

Corey Speegle Post Pulled


What's Happening Shoals has chosen to delete the post on Colbert Shelter director Corey Speegle. That is the option of the site's owner; however, here we prefer truth to money (the love of which...). Here's the post pertinent to the current situation:

Statement for the public of Colbert County-

My name is Amanda Putney, previously employed by the Colbert County Animal Shelter, hired position was ACO and kennel tech.

On Thursday morning of June 30th at approximately 8:15am the following incident occurred including other shelter staff present and director Corey Speegle :

“Corey announced he was going to let “Huxley” out. The staff all were speaking saying not to and that they
would not go outside. I was then told by a staff member that Huxley has a bite record of 13 people and that they have to kick his food into his space outside because he lunges and bites.

Corey then opened the front door and told the staff to go get him a female that is not in heat. They went and retrieved a female dog and put her outside to the front parking lot area where Huxley was present and loose, not on a leash. Huxley proceeded to mount the dog and attempt intercourse. The female dog cowered down and attempted to escape but could not. Time past and a staff member spoke up and said this wrong to be watching, I can’t watch this happen to her and we don’t need puppies. They then took the female dog back inside.

Corey then said to the staff go get me a small male dog. The staff went and got a dog, within seconds of putting the dog out the front door Huxley attacked it and bit the dog. I then observed Corey yell at Huxley and pick up the wounded dog. Huxley again attempted to attack the dog. Corey continued to yell and then put the dog back in through the front door. The staff assessed the wound.

I then observed Huxley outside drooling and having blood dripping in large amounts from his mouth from the bite he did. “

The day proceeded and another inhumane incident occurred. I was in an area of shelter referred to as the “garage” myself and a volunteer was present when we observed other staff walk through with two dead dogs. Two dogs that I had cared for that morning and days previous, the volunteer had walked these dogs that day. As an employee I was unaware that they were to be euthanized and I believe the public is under the impression the shelter is no kill. This is an extremely false narrative.

The shelter is unsanitary, animals are living amongst week old feces, urine, molding dog food - I have done my best with zero guidance to clean the one area I put myself in with a little over 20 dogs but I fear that now that I have left due to the inhumane actions at the shelter that the dogs will once again be in danger.

Mr. Speegle is not qualified to be director of a shelter - I observed his top interests to be running hot on the roads and seizing dogs. The shelter is over crowded, large dogs are living in dog crates coated in feces stacked on top of one another. The staff lacks leadership and drive, there is no schedule, standard or organization. It’s a free for all and it is dangerous.

If you’re failing from within you cannot bring anymore in.

I believe this to be a situation that needs immediate action, I went to the Sheriffs office and was directed to go to the county commissioner, I need the public to be aware of how bad the environment is at the shelter. The doors need to be temporarily closed, no animal deserves to be treated inhumanely by the very place that has been put there to protect them and be their voice. The budget needs to be appropriate and a qualified individual needs to be brought in. It will only get worse if action is not taken.


We also want to correct that the owner of the home Corey Speegle allegedly entered illegally is male, not female. So our worst case scenario is now a missing Rolex watch. Keep reading for updates after the holiday.


  1. This blog post is dated July 3rd at 11 p.m. The header in the local section of the Times Daily reads: "Director disputes claims against Colbert animal services shelter" (not exactly "catchy") in the 07/07/2022 edition! Russ Corey just read your blog Shoalanda and started typing....he didn't even have to wait for someone to call in a news story! (and sure didn't give you a credit in the byline) NO WONDER people in this area are so apathetic about local issues..... especially local government. No local television station, a total joke of a local newspaper... it is amazing that folks in the Shoals are not a bunch of uninformed drooling idiots! Maybe they would be by design??? Thank God for the news blogs!!!!!!!!! Keep reading Russ (and you too Bernie) LMAO!

  2. Speegle, and people like him .... One of the reasons we left the Shoals. Good luck getting decent people to move there .... and STAY.

  3. Corey Speegle is a gun runner who sold hundreds of AK47 and other types of assault rifles at gunshows for decades. This man was very proud to show me the illegal coverted machine gun M4 he kept in his storm shelter behind his puppy mill. He had a fledgling business called 2ndamendmentAK47SKS parts that he ran out of his compound prior to setting it up as a puppy mill for Cezch Shephards in Sheffield.

    He belongs in prison, not in charge of a shelter.

    Yet he got the job because he's a Colbert County Reserve Deputy. He greased the right palms and edged out people who were significantly more qualified to do the job.

    Frank WIlliamson, Speegle, and the rest of the Good Ol' Boy network in Colbert County need to GO!
