Wednesday, January 19, 2022

We're Alive, You're Alive, Meatloaf Isn't...


His parents named him Marvin Lee Aday. At some point he changed it to Meatloaf in order to not reflect on his parents' New Testament beliefs. No matter what you called him, he was a mega-star. Now he's dead.

He took no vaccinations, much less booster shot. He refused to wear a mask or social distance. You could say he was the poster boy for the anti-vaxx movement...well, except for his untimely death that is.

So how about you? You feelin' lucky like Meatloaf? Five years from now, when you see those who received the vax living normal and healthy lives walking among you, but think of those who died, what will be your excuse then?

Carla DeVito, aka Mrs. Robby Benson


  1. Talk about TACKY....🙄☹️ He was 74, overweight, and had pre-existing health issues. BUT: he died a FREE MAN. Ultimately, that's the best any of us can hope for.

  2. I agree 100% with JH1961. Meatloaf was ANYTHING but the picture of health and, due to multiple back surgeries, he was failing more and more each year. 5 years from now (or less...) we'll SEE who's still walking around. My money's on those who chose NOT to partake in the BioWeapon Program.

    1. They're your lungs. Just don't be breathing in my space...thanks.

  3. I had a student today ask me 'IF masks stop the spread or COVID, then why doesn't underwear stop farts from spreading?'

    1. Please tell him that the correct (non-dirty) term in flatus.
