Monday, January 3, 2022

Fifth Anniversary of Andrea Forbes' Murder


January 21st will mark the fifth anniversary of Andrea Susan Forbes' death...or at least the anniversary of when she was pronounced dead. It's uncertain exactly when Andrea was murdered by a person or persons unknown.

Andrea's family lives in the Johnson City, Tennessee, area. In other words, there's no one local to push this investigation. When we first blogged on Andrea's murder in 2017, we received some interesting comments. We hope everyone will reread them on this anniversary:

* She was my cousin and I was put off by the pic they dug up (it was at least 3 or 4 years old I believe). I had not seen her since she was a teenager as we lived far apart, but we kept up on fb. People move and live their lives and have troubles and sorrows we know nothing about. I can tell you she was a happy, bubbly, loved child and her family is devastated.

* I knew Andrea Forbes very well. We had been friends since the 4th grade and she does deserve better, she was fun,everyone that got to know her loved her because she was a wonderful loving person. Her family here in Tennessee are grieving her death with no closure maybe never to have closure and they deserve better also. I think everyone in this situation deserves better,if only it would happen. 

* I have known Andrea for 20 years. We met in the youth group at our church. As we all have, she made some mistakes and very poor choices in men, but her biggest flaw, she was too loving, too forgiving, too accepting, and too trusting! I still can't believe she is gone, stolen from us, and made to look like 'white trash'by the media!!! She was beautiful, kind, loving, and so genuine! Justice MUST be served!!! 

* I grew up with Andrea in church. What most people don't know is that her mother abandoned her and she never knew her father. She had deep deep pain and despite it all...she had the biggest heart. 

Five years is a long time where murders are concerned. Yet we hope someone out there will decide to do the right thing. If you know anything at all about Andrea's last days, please call the FPD at 256-766-6500.

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