Saturday, January 22, 2022

Heritage Protection of North Alabama


Those of you who read us regularly know that we support the removal of the Florence Confederate Monument to a more suitable location. That being said, we are always happy to publish well-written opposing thoughts. Today we're presenting a press release from the HPNA:

Distributed to the media, government officials, lawmakers, academia, educators, civic and historical organizations, law enforcement and others across North Alabama. HPNA’s professional historians recently spoke at four events: 1. January 10 – LtCol Ed Kennedy (US Army, Retired) spoke to the Jackson County Commission. 2. January 18 – Marjorie Reeves spoke to the Madison History Association (MHA). 3. January 18 – LtCol Ed Kennedy (US Army, Retired) spoke to the Jackson County GOP Executive Committee. 4. January 20 – LtCol Ed Kennedy (US Army, Retired) spoke to the Lauderdale County GOP Executive Committee. In addition, HPNA Leadership had a meeting with the Mayor of Stevenson, AL this month. HPNA is scheduled to speak at the Morgan County GOP Executive Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 25th at 5:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Libby’s Catfish Restaurant located at 1400 Highway 67 South in Priceville, AL. Our work keeps the public mindful of the importance of the protection of our Southern heritage. It puts lawmakers and government officials on notice that we are watching, and will take action, relative to violations of our heritage. With a highly-qualified professional leadership team, and hundreds of active members, HPNA participates in educational events and heritage protection projects across North Alabama. Our ongoing work is presented on our website along with photographs of our activities, educational material and current news. To visit our website, click here: HPNA is composed of volunteers and is an association of individuals who love America, Southern history, and Southern heritage. We are a group of like-minded citizens who work to prevent the destruction and relocation of all historical monuments and defend our Southern heritage. We have a dedicated leadership team and hundreds of members across North Alabama that are active daily. Our historians are available to speak to your organization. Join us today and support our important work. Membership in HPNA is free to all who share our dedication to protecting Southern heritage. To join and receive our email communications, send a request to Please forward this email to your family, friends, civic organizations and local media. We Are Heritage Protection of North Alabama

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for publishing this press release. I appreciate it. - L.C. "Bill" Clemmons
