Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Two Takes on the Ag Center, etal.

From a regular reader:

What this AG Center is is nothing but a publicity stunt by the Lauderdale Co. BOE especially Ronnie Owens and Tim Melson. It’s going to be unused and be vacant just like the Coliseum. Why do we need it? It’s a waste of taxpayer money when there’s other things that need to be done in the school system and in the county infrastructure. School buildings are in disrepair and are infested with mold. The roads in this county are a joke. Our representatives from State Senators, County Commissioners, and school board members are a bunch of eunuchs. It’s a shame we are represented by these; don’t we have anyone better?

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose!

So the usual suspects in Congress are pushing hard for "relief" funding for state and local governments as an offset to the tax revenues that localities have lost during the Covid-19 shutdown. So what does this mean for the Shoals? It means that the sun rises in the East and that snakes take care of their own, as always! It means that the anal sphincters who dreamed up Inspiration Landing and the Ag Center, monuments to their own egos and political hubris sold to us under the guise and illusion of public benefit, will now have their ill-advised, self-interested, boondoggle projects unwillingly subsidized by every American Taxpayer if the leftists in Congress get their way.

This sort of thing is why many of us who possess penetrating insight and discernment do not even waste our time participating in our sham elections, elections that are little more than farcical diversionary contrivances that are designed to mollify the masses with an illusion of participatory democracy. Left, Right, or Center, the political power structure has the system rigged, and you are sadly naive if you believe otherwise.

Many historians believe that the French Revolution was excessively violent and bloody...but maybe the French people were just sick of liars, cheats, snobs, and business as usual. "Vive La Liberté"

Justitia Adventus, Sic Semper Mendaces

Humbly submitted for your consideration by,

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