Monday, July 24, 2023

Northwest-Shoals Community College Changes Name


In case you haven't heard, Northwest-Shoals Community College changed its name recently. It's now Northwest Shoals Community College. The old logo is above; the new is below:

The cost of this breathtaking makeover? $100,000.00. At least that's the amount paid to Rickabaugh Graphics. Before you start cursing the emperor's new tailors, the 100K was in the form of grant money.

The cost to replace the logos on everything? you can curse. In case you're wondering why the hyphen was removed - it makes the campuses feel closer to each other. We don't make this stuff up, folks.


This is a photo of Gracie and Natalia. They're female Lab mixes slightly over one year old. No, you don't have to adopt together unless you're desperate for both. Of course, the sister act is super cute. You can see them at the Florence shelter in the industrial park:

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