Monday, July 31, 2023

A Law Enforcement Officer Speaks on Conduct


I write this article from the viewpoint of a former LEO and in light of recent events that a local LE agency has been forced to address.

There are few careers in which immediate and lasting impacts on society can be made. A few notable examples are those of law enforcement, education, and the medical field. Others are those of firemen, EMT, and the military. It was from these ranks that the heroes of my generation came.

When I was an LEO I took great pride in my job and the fact that my community had placed its faith and trust in me. I was also keenly aware that my actions, on duty and off, had a direct impact on my department, my fellow officers, my community, and my family.

This is something that some law enforcement officers today seem to have forgotten or have difficulty remembering. Some officers think wearing a badge and gun and driving a patrol car somehow makes them 'cool'. Wearing a badge is an honor and huge responsibility. It isn't a 'license' to bully, break traffic laws, or act like a total jerk.

For the few (thankfully) officers that abuse their position; your actions mean your fellow officers must work harder at an already difficult job. If you're not wearing a badge to help your community it's best for everyone that you look for a different career.

As always,


This is Flop. Have you ever seen anything more beautiful in your life? He's a 4 month-old Great Pyrenees mix just waiting to meet you at the Florence shelter in the industrial park on Roberson Road:

1 comment:

  1. WELL SAID J REDMON! All public servants, whether employed or ELECTED should never be allowed to bully or demean a citizen under their jurisdiction. This applies to councilmen in the city of Florence too.....more to follow.
