Sunday, March 12, 2023

Florida Wants Bloggers to Register


There has been a bill introduced into the Florida State Legislature that, if passed, would require resident bloggers to register. We doubt that it would pass, but if it did, our own legislature might attempt a similar reining in of independent political pundits.

The most strange aspect of the bill is that political columnists for local news outlets would be exempt. We plan to keep an eye on this one.


The Ides of March is approaching; do you know where your millions are? If they're missing, shall we blame Biden or Trump? Why don't we blame both of them for this financial collapse?


We've had an interesting communication from Facebook. Remember our blog on the antics of Muscle Shoals baseball coach Blake Beck? As of this week, it's the blog with the highest number of hits in our history - 115K and still rising. People do love those Muscle Shoals comedies.


It was a pleasant surprise today that our wrong order at Micky D's was at least something we eat. The downside was whoever ordered the sandwich hadn't asked for a tomato...

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