Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween 2018!

First a Halloween message from our J. Redmon:

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, everyone! ðŸ‘» Please exercise additional caution this afternoon and evening while driving. We all want our little 'ghouls and goblins' to enjoy themselves!

Now a few words from our very first Halloween blog:

While many aspects of our Halloween holiday are pagan in origin, contrary to many recent reports, Samhain was not the Celtic god of the dead. The Celts did worship many gods, including a god of the dead/underworld; however, Samhain was a season of change and prelude to winter and the new year.

So, for all of us Celts (Irish/Scots/Welsh), today marks the end of an old year. In fact, for many centuries the Gaelic word for the eleventh month has been Samhain. Have a safe, happy, and prosperous Celtic New Year!

Mo Brooks or Peter Joffrion? Yes, it's a foregone conclusion that Brooks will sail to an easy victory. We personally will be voting for Joffrion.

For those who choose to vote for Brooks, we ask one thing. As you cast your ballot, think of our stately representative running up a flight of steps in order to avoid reporters on the Roy Moore/Doug Jones election. If he can't look anyone in the face and answer such a simple question as his election choice, how can he look any of us in the face as to how he votes on bills important to our well being?

Tomorrow: More endorsements and a look at the Lauderdale County School Board!

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