Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Bryan Robinson Throws His Associates Under the Bus

As part of Brian Robinson's house flip scheme, the tarnished financial guru had approximately 20 mortgages prepared on properties he didn't own. Then Robinson forwarded the mortgages to Caitlin Burns Holland and Brad Bolding unsigned. What was Robinson's excuse for not signing the mortgages and having them notarized at the law firm which allegedly drew them up? That we don't know, but it would have been easy to tell his associates that he would stop by their offices to sign the documents.

Except he didn't. Again, we don't know what excuse he gave, but he asked Holland and Bolding to duplicate his signature on the multiple documents. We're using the word "duplicate," but legal documents quoting victims are using the term "forge" since the signature was designed to look exactly like Robinson's. Then Robinson asked Caitlin Burns Holland, a Sheffield attorney and President of the Shoals Area Chamber of Commerce, to notarize the signatures and file the mortgages with the Madison County Probate Court, which she did.

The above events happened within an approximate nine-month period in 2015; at the end of this period, Holland supposedly discovered that Bryan Robinson didn't own the properties in Madison County. Her employment for Robinson ended at this point, for whatever reason. Around this time, Robinson's scheme was discovered by some of his investors who set about to sue Robinson, as well as Burns and Bolding. 

Then in July 2016, Caitlin Burns Holland applied for a malpractice policy with Attorneys Insurance Mutual of the South; on her application, she stated that she knew of no possible actions against her. Then in June 2017, Holland informed AIM that the "McKinney family" was preparing to make a claim against her in connection with the "millions of dollars" lost in Bryan Robinson's scam. AIM has now filed suit against Holland to have her malpractice policy voided on the basis of fraud. 

How will a court of law see Brad Bolding's and Caitlin Burns Holland's roles in this scam to defraud investors? That we don't know, but surely in the court of public opinion, Bryan Robinson should be the one to shoulder the majority of the blame for both defrauding investors and bringing two innocents into his web of lies.

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