Friday, February 16, 2018

Rating Terry & Resa Witt the "Scumma de Terra"

Above are Terry and Resa Witt. Currently the Witts are in disputes with at least nine entities in the Shoals area. Nine? Perhaps we shouldn't count the TimesDaily, but we'll throw that one in last. Here's the rundown: 

1. The Witts say they took a presumably healthy cat to be boarded at a doctor's office. The veterinarian says Terry Witt asked for the cat to be euthanized. (Domestic vengeance? Just a thought.)

2. The Witts say a Colbert County animal control officer blackmailed them over the cat when they wanted to get it back. The officer denies this allegation.

3. The Witts say the Colbert County administrator refused to give them the public records they asked for. The administrator says it takes time to get salary information on ALL of Colbert County's employees. We'll throw in a "we say" here also: The administrator probably had to get the info printed out from payroll and picked up there. Such information should NOT be readily available on everyone's computer.

4. The Witts say a Colbert County Sheriff's deputy harassed Terry Witt. The deputy says he simply asked Witt to calm down and leave the courthouse at that particular heated moment. A word of advice: If law enforcement asks you to do something, it's always a good idea to do it.

5. The Witts say everyone who averred the deputy was simply doing his job were lying.

6. The Witts say Colbert County Sheriff Frank Williamson is being investigated for theft of county funds. Nothing has been reported on any such investigation so far.

7. The Witts say head of Colbert Animal Control is in cahoots with the animal control officer. The head of animal control says the officer's story checks out.

8. The Witts say the Animal Control Board is corrupt and are starting a website to reveal all.

9. The Witts say the TimesDaily hasn't accurately told their story. Our personal take is that the local rag has already given these would-be cat killers too much space already.