Saturday, June 3, 2023

An Insider's View of the Florence Salvation Army


We are publishing this message word for word, with only some punctuation added:

It's about the salvation army: I don't know why no one has said anything but the salvation army has still not opened as everyone knows they are calling the police to people on property when there is apartments available in the back with literally nine beds. the reason the shelter is not open at the first of June as they promised was because they wanted to go on vacation first before they opened so they nitpicked everything the contractors did they were supposed to have clean up crew in there last week but they disappeared again fourth vacation since January,

I have a friend that works there. she is a really good woman she is new to the salvation army only been there for 8 months she has had nothing but problems with these Cap Watts. Their social worker retired and has not been to work since October but kept her on payroll until just last night with the new employee doing all of her job.

the HR and accountant the captain's and the receptionist all goes to lunch at least once a week on salvation army credit card and leaves the case manager and homeless manager in the office the whole time doesn't come back for hours and never ask these ladies to go. I have talked to them several times with everybody being out of office except leaving these two there to take up their slack and it happens often the homeless manager has over 200 hours of vacation because she has not been able to take it the whole time she has been there for the last 4 years because Mr Watts says she has to have every shift covered and someone to come in. if someone doesn't show up well she only has three employees and that leaves her with nothing or no time the case manager left a job of 9 years to go to the salvation army and she is treated so poorly something has got to be done.

I told them both to file a lawsuit for favoritism they cannot go to HR because she is best friends with them all they go on trips together and HR is never supposed to do that you should be able to confide in your HR but not at the salvation army they call the three girls the mean girls club. Captain Watts was going into church a few Sundays ago and a homeless man was sitting in front of the door he walked into the church and called him an idiot in front of everybody.

all the church members have quit. there is only four left not including them and their three children and of course George the maintenance guy whom they brought here who is screwing married store manager with five kids and the captains know about it and let it go on. he drives their vehicles after being caught with drugs and alcohol and I'm sure there main people would love to hear about that the homeless manager put him out and the captain's refused to let her drug test him or alcohol test him and she told them it was protocol.

the case manager told me that this has happened lots of times where embezzlement is involved and they bring a man from Texas with a serious charge and he is supposed to be the maintenance guy and they have him going in people's home which he shouldn't do because he is a felon for home invasion their main people does not know that and they should these captains are the absolute worst Florence Alabama has ever had. at least been and Wendy had a great hearts and was at least Christians these won't even pray with you they make fun of the homeless. they will not help anyone they even wrote the case manager up for giving too much money to a lady on her utilities with seven kids which was $500 to keep her lights on again she is having to do social workers job and doesn't even know the rules.

please expose these people so things will get better for the two ladies that are there for the right reason and not there for publicity.

Short takeaway: Almost any charity is better than the Salvation Army Church. They make the old-fashioned Moonies look good. Please consider where you donate!


  1. And the taxpayers of Florence donate appx. 100k a year to this "organization". Just how much is the kick back that the Florence City council members each are getting on this deal?? AND; if they are not getting a kick back, they are spending taxpayer money foolishly on snake oil salesmen. Probably the latter.

  2. I'm so glad someone has put these guys on blast! I am a witness to all the wrong doings at the shelter. For one I was a resident there when the pipes froze and flooded the whole place. We have been displaced since December 26th first to Birmingham which was so horrible and clearly involved with human trafficking and then to another shelter in Huntsville that has been severely neglected and when I say severely it's pitiful and I would be ashamed to show my face to anyone if I was the Captain or the one in charge of that shelter. Anyway here it is June already and the Florence shelter still isn't up and running and that goes to show that the grant money that was received by the shelter for the homeless is not at all being used for the homeless. This is so ridiculous it's sad. There has been plenty of time to fix this but apparently vacation are more important from what I've been told this will be the 7th vacation taken since winning the grant money for the homeless. This whole thing has put a huge setback not on just my life but so many others, and because of all those have been put through hell and still are not at all where we should be because we haven't gotten the help that we needed and are having to start all over again but this time with no resources at all because of right now there are none. The whole thing is just pitiful! Someone really needs to look into the workers at the Florence salvation army because it should have already been up and running! Something clearly isn't right here
