Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Are the Deputy & his Baby Mama Good Role Models?

When a marriage produces a child or receives a child through adoption, it is one of life’s greatest blessings. Roughly 40% of children being raised today are in a home without a father. The effects of that fact are staggering. Father absence causes increases in mental and behavioral disorders as well as criminal activity and substance abuse. But when children are raised in a healthy marriage, they get a front row seat to see and experience the lasting benefits of a strong family.

All Pro Dad

In the court of public opinion, we have before us a local law enforcement officer and his second baby mama. He's accused of verbal harassment, and she's trying to take back her initial statement to the police. Unfortunately, this is not unusual in relationships, even marriage.

Let's look at some of the facts:

* The deputy was also apparently not married to baby mama number one with whom he has a son. (We welcome any corrections.)

* It's unknown if baby mama number two had ever been married, but she has a little girl.

* We may infer that both these individuals knew what produces a child, but didn't care enough about any offspring or each other to make a commitment. We see where that has gotten them.

* Supposedly, the little girl considered the deputy her father and now she's grieving after losing him.

* The deputy was vindictive enough to make a pubic statement on Facebook that baby mama number two didn't let him see his son on Father's Day. (And now they say they have a great relationship?!!!)

* Baby Mama was upset enough with the deputy to call the police when he verbally attacked her.

* Now Baby Mama says: I can’t keep quiet any longer. This is for all you people that are bashing and posting your opinion about something that you have no clue about! Yes, it’s true Wes and I had a pretty heated argument that DID NOT take place on Fathers Day. He was working on Fathers Day. But that’s beside the point. We had a pretty heated argument one thing led to another and I ended up filing a police report. (I shouldn’t have. But it was in the heat of the moment which still doesn’t make it right) I did not want it to go any further than just a police report but unfortunately, Florence PD took it upon themselves to file a warrant against him even after me calling every day to make sure it was dropped and nothing was going to come of it. I was under the impression that I would have to be the one to press the charges as that is what I was told by the two officers that I spoke with while filing the report. I even called the day the warrant was issued to make sure it was dropped and that Wes wouldn’t be arrested over it. The detective I spoke to said “no, that was not their intentions.” Which was obviously, not the truth. Wes and I don’t always see eye to eye but since the day of our heated arugument our co-parenting relationship has been great! Since the argument We have taken xxxxxx shopping for his birthday party together, we had his birthday party together last weekend, and he is still allowed to see xxxxxx. Wes is an awesome daddy and I hate this happened all out of the heat of the moment but there isn’t anything I can do to change it now. Trust me, I have tried and I have done everything I know to do. So, for all you people that are so quick to judge and post your opinion about something you have no clue about please know the facts! Oh and feel free to share this as quick as you were the misinformed articles with your opinions!

* The deputy could lose his job permanently if convicted of domestic violence.

We're predicting two things:

1. Florence Municipal Court will send the deputy to some type of anger management course and there will be no official conviction on his record.

2. Lauderdale County will have another black mark on the quality of its deputies, most of whom couldn't solve the case of Professor Plum if they found his body in the courthouse law library.

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to email me if you would like legitimate background information regarding the subject of this blog. I know all parties PERSONALLY. The Deputy in question is a former boyfriend of mine from high school, and he is an amazing friend to me to this day. The "baby mama" was a good friend of mine years ago, now she's more or less an acquaintance. He has a spotless record as a law enforcement officer for over 10 years, while she is known for being dramatic and creating turbulence. They never should have dated to begin with, but he didn't listen to anyone's advice. If she had not have gotten pregnant, they would have dissolved their relationship ages ago. Because he is a good man and a great father, he sacrificed over 2 years trying to make things work with her. I myself, along with many others, can personally attest that he did everything he could to stay for his children. In my opinion all of this was done in spite and pettiness. His relationship with his oldest child's mother is the epitome of a dream co-parenting relationship. She is happily married with additional children with her husband, yet they all spend holidays together, they vacation together and her other children consider him their uncle. Being a former girlfriend, obviously our relationship ended, meaning it was not in the slightest little bit perfect. We had our differences and our arguments, but never did he ever physically, VERBALLY, mentally or emotionally abused me. He truly is an amazing man, father, brother, son,co-parent, friend and law enforcement officer. I really hate that her bitterness towards him has caused such a public smear on his good name.
