Thursday, April 30, 2020

We Support the Rogersville Police...Who Knew?

Over the years, we've asked how anyone can simply pick which laws to follow and which to break. We recently had a reader say only murder should be illegal...think about that one. If we've never mentioned it, we've always thought that 45 mph speed limit just east of Rogersville is one of the most inane things we've ever seen, but guess what? We obey it.

That brings us to Dr. Aric Butler, owner of Doc's Gym in Rogersville. Rogersville Police attempted to cite him for being open in direct violation of current law. He refused to sign the citation (which is in fact a non-custodial arrest with a signature bond), so the Rogersville officers were left with no recourse but to take him to jail. In case you don't understand this, just try not signing a traffic citation when you receive one.

All that in itself is quite an interesting story, but wait...there's more idiotic actions to come. Some of Doc's friends are picketing outside Rogersville Town Hall. Please look at the above photo and tell me what Jeffrey Epstein has to do with Doc's Gym. The next time Shoalanda is cited for any minor traffic violation in Florence, she plans to protest it's unfair since Joe Biden is a sniffer. Think that would work? Think that makes even the slightest sense?

We're pretty sure the guy holding the Epstein sign took the same logic course in school as Mayor Herston.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Two Takes on the Ag Center, etal.

From a regular reader:

What this AG Center is is nothing but a publicity stunt by the Lauderdale Co. BOE especially Ronnie Owens and Tim Melson. It’s going to be unused and be vacant just like the Coliseum. Why do we need it? It’s a waste of taxpayer money when there’s other things that need to be done in the school system and in the county infrastructure. School buildings are in disrepair and are infested with mold. The roads in this county are a joke. Our representatives from State Senators, County Commissioners, and school board members are a bunch of eunuchs. It’s a shame we are represented by these; don’t we have anyone better?

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose!

So the usual suspects in Congress are pushing hard for "relief" funding for state and local governments as an offset to the tax revenues that localities have lost during the Covid-19 shutdown. So what does this mean for the Shoals? It means that the sun rises in the East and that snakes take care of their own, as always! It means that the anal sphincters who dreamed up Inspiration Landing and the Ag Center, monuments to their own egos and political hubris sold to us under the guise and illusion of public benefit, will now have their ill-advised, self-interested, boondoggle projects unwillingly subsidized by every American Taxpayer if the leftists in Congress get their way.

This sort of thing is why many of us who possess penetrating insight and discernment do not even waste our time participating in our sham elections, elections that are little more than farcical diversionary contrivances that are designed to mollify the masses with an illusion of participatory democracy. Left, Right, or Center, the political power structure has the system rigged, and you are sadly naive if you believe otherwise.

Many historians believe that the French Revolution was excessively violent and bloody...but maybe the French people were just sick of liars, cheats, snobs, and business as usual. "Vive La Liberté"

Justitia Adventus, Sic Semper Mendaces

Humbly submitted for your consideration by,

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Deficits...Deficits Everywhere!

A line from a song says "Our love keeps draggin' on." In our case today, our quarantine keeps dragging on. Totally uncharted territory, but we can make some assumptions and predictions.

Credit Suisse says one in four extant malls in the U.S. will be closed by 2022. We somehow don't think this prediction needs any comment on how it will affect Florence.

The University of Alabama System says it's looking at 150 million dollars in lost revenue. How much is UNA looking at?

Some states are asking about bankruptcy. Does anyone think Alabama will come out of this unscathed?

How about towns? How's Sheffield doing in all this? The town of Hoover has said its budget will suffer a shortfall that could total at much as 15 million. How much can Sheffield afford to lose? Just in case it needs to be said, no one should count on Inspiration Landing to bring in the bacon.

We have no idea how much money TVA is losing, but it will affect its payment to the Ag Authority in Lauderdale. We're sure some will try to save the 20% completed project, but at what price? Our schools need that money more. 

Let us repeat that: Our schools need that money more!

We Have Seen The Future & There're No Cars In The Parking Lot

Monday, April 27, 2020

Let's Wish Greg Burdine a Happy Birthday

Greg Burdine, former member of the Alabama House of Representatives will turn 61 on this Friday, May 1, 2020.
He is currently still at Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehab Facility.
Please mail him a card, words of thought etc. to

Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehab Facility
2201 Children’s Way
Suite 1221
Attn: Greg Burdine
Room 2008
Nashville, TN 37212

When Greg Burdine was our representative, he fought for our new hospital. He did not take money from Lauderdale County schools and give it to a boondoggle that gets worse from week to week. 

Thank you, Greg!

All of Us at Shoalanda Speaks

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Gary Dan Williams & "Low Hanging Fruit"

From a reader:

(W)ant to let voters know what Lauderdale County’s Gary Dan Williams said at a counselor’s meeting. He no longer wants to allow fast food workers in Work Based Learning (Co-op) and referred to them as “low hanging fruit.” Every counselor in the county heard him say this and we’re all VERY unhappy with the comment and restrictions on the class.

While we can see both sides to this, we'll point out that working in fast food is a solid base for any who want to toil later in restaurant management, a very lucrative endeavor for those who are willing to work the long hours.

Send us you comments. (Please remain on topic. Yes, we know that's impossible for some...)

Saturday, April 25, 2020

No Work on Ag Center or IL until Vaccine is in Wide Use?

While this is Alabama where we like to live dangerously, just how many sane and rational individuals do you think will want to gather in a group of two to eight thousand people? How does this bode for Sheffield's Inspiration Landing or Lauderdale County's Ag Center?

Okay, at this point no one really thinks IL has much of a chance. Probably not even the luxury home sales side of the project once the real estate slump hits...and it will hit. Yet the Ag Center seemed a done deal until the pandemic.

Like Legionnaire's Disease through a hotel ventilation system, how quickly do you think a super bug could permeate an enclosed arena? Remember, we're not talking Alabama or Auburn football games here; we're talking second tier music groups at best...and 4-H shows that over 50 grandparents won't even come out for now.

Vaccine? Even if one is developed in three months (which we highly doubt), it will first go to medical personnel, then public safety employees. Will enough people take it to create herd immunity? 

Sorry, folks, a lot of tax dollars just flew out the window.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Question About the LCHS Facebook Page?

Yesterday's blog certainly brought comments, most illogical and one certainly false:

1. Yes, it seems that Lauderdale County High School does have two Facebook pages. The one to which the questionable video was posted is listed as the official page, not the second one as someone suggested. Now we wonder why there are two competing pages?

2. Question to all who support mixing religion with school: Your job is transferred to Minnesota where your children will attend a school with over a 50% Muslim student body. How do you like having your offspring listening to readings from the Quran?

3. How do you pick and choose which laws to obey, and what does this teach others? Consider a street preacher whose city allows him to preach whatever he wants 23 hours a day; he is banned from any public preaching between two and three in the afternoon. How many think he should break this law? Apparently a great many of our readers do...

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Do You Want Satanic Scripture on Lauderdale County High's FB Page?

We've received a complaint about the Lauderdale County High School Facebook page. It seems that Mr. Casey Tate, assistant principal, has posted Christian content from his personal page to the school page. Is the complaint valid?

We looked at the LCHS page. The content is there and, yes, it quotes scripture. We say kudos to Mr. Take for posting this on his own page. We say a big what were you thinking for posting to the page of a tax supported entity?

Do we believe the scripture Mr. Tate quoted? Most definitely. That's not the problem. The problem is that now any LCHS personnel who are Muslims, Atheists, or Satanists will have to be allowed to post videos quoting works that support their beliefs. The problem is that the person who reported this to us, or perhaps others, will now report LCHS to the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Anyone out there want that?

Time for some in-service training on what's cricket and what isn't?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

John Travolta & Dick Jordan Have a Lot in Common

Most people know who John Travolta is. They also know he's a strong supporter of Scientology, a cult-like religion that most deem an absolute farce. Travolta is such a devotee of the group founded by L. Ron Hubbard that he ill-advisedly starred in the widely panned Battlefield Earth, a movie based on one of Hubbard's science fiction novels.

While we certainly don't support Scientology, we do support Travolta's right to espouse these beliefs and to try to convert others to his way of thinking. This is the United States, after all. We also support anyone's right to speak in favor of the Salvation Army Church and to attempt to encourage the support of others.

Yet, we have to wonder why some are such ardent supporters of this outlier in the world of religion? Many groups contribute to society's needs without discrimination against women, homosexuals, etc. These groups don't appropriate large chunks of cash for themselves. These are the groups we feel are Christ-like.

That brings us to Tuesday's Florence City Council meeting. Anyone else watch it? It lasted all of 11 minutes (we assume due to the current health/lockdown situation). In that 11 minutes, council chair Dick Jordan got in three positive, even fawning, comments about the SA Church. 

We're not sure if Jordan has some sincere and misplaced love of this organization or if he simply wants to keep promoting a group that removes "undesirables" from the downtown area. We highly suspect the latter. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill is a Horse's Patoot!

Considering the current health crisis, many Alabamians are planning on voting an absentee ballot in July. This is a personal decision, and we support the voters' right to choose to vote from home at any time during this pandemic and also support voting by mail as simply a practical idea at any time.

During the past two or three years, we've seen our secretary of state defend various alleged problems with the voting system in this state. Until now, we've thought he genuinely cared about helping citizens cast their ballots. When we're wrong, we're wrong.

Take a look at these screenshots from Twitter:

Rest assured, we won't be making the mistake of supporting Merrill in the future. He makes Will Ainsworth look good.

Did someone say "Kinko's?" (Caution: Rated PG-13)

Monday, April 20, 2020

"Ron Wikkid"/No Need to Apologize

It's been over eight years since a demon masquerading as a sentient human being took the life of Amanda Taylor. Here the grisly Colbert County tale of murder and dismemberment is presented in a chronological account:

All of us here are really shocked that we're not having to eat any crow over the new Muscle Shoals superintendent. That's right, Chad O.G. Holden was the not so shocking winner of the not so coveted 4/20 prize. 

So, Dr. Lindsey, What Do I Do Now?

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Don't Expect Ruth's at Inspiration Landing

No Ruth's Chris Steakhouse for Inspiration Landing? Actually, we hear some people in high places are now opening admitting that we shouldn't expect IL at all. If it should materialize, it will be more apt to have a run down diner than an eatery from Ruth's Hospitality.

According to financial pundits, the famous restaurant group has tapped out its resources during the pandemic and won't be expanding at all. How about Wentzel's Oyster House? According to their website, all Wentzel locations are completely closed "until further notice." Nope, not even takeout.

Now think about this: Many small local eateries make a huge percentage of their income from mixed drinks. Not too many of those available for takeout, are there? 

One current report indicates small restaurants maintaining takeout sales are losing 70% of their usual revenue each day they're open. How long can these smaller...or even larger...restaurants survive?

On the bright side, if you have money to invest and want to start your own country kitchen, it just may be the right time to find a great vacant location. No cloud without a silver lining and all that...

Saturday, April 18, 2020

A Muscle Shoals Parent Speaks Out

From a Concerned Muscle Shoals Parent:

This is how Chad Holden operates as principal at Muscle Shoals High School all endorsed by that high priced law firm in Huntsville:

A naughty picture of a naked teen circulates among the students. Students are called in and questioned, until they get "some" students called in that challenge the pressure to produce their cell phones for examination by the Principal and Assistant Principal (the infamous Kevin "scary hairy face" Davis).

As they pressure and pressure the students to go retrieve their cell phones from lockers, purses, backpacks and what not, the students one by one stand firm that if they don't have sufficient reason to interrogate a minor and examine their personal property, they can't do it.

Press on. Finally one student tells their story that they finally caved to the pressure. BUT, said, "I will go get my cell phone, but I am calling my parents and get them up here. You can ask them for it".

Immediately, the back paddling started. "Oh, no. You are a good kid. Just go back to class and don't tell anyone this happened".

OR, maybe some students who are "in the faMily" complain against "one of those outsiders" that got permission to miss a practice for church event, but had a makeup session and the infamous Holden caves to the faMily complainer and calls the parents of the outsider to say they are sitting out several events because of missing practice. After the parent armed with information shows up for battle, Holden backed in the corner has to compromise or be exposed.

Holden's questionable hiring record as principal at MSHS includes: Kevin Davis who was on administrative leave from Limestone County at the time and Jeff Madden who didn't have much financial sensibility if he didn't know his and his wife's salaries would not pay for a very nice new home they built until she was arrested by the state for embezzlement. Need I mention others? 

Imagine how Holden would perform as a superintendent.

Oh yeah, I forget, how about that dress code? Hope those little girls at the high school have shorts on under those mini skirts and dresses. 

How would Holden know? He watches cameras cause he's scared to come out of his office.

The Rules only apply to those who are not in the faMily.




Wonder what the future holds when that lame school board names Holden as superintendent? 

The School System that interrogates children then tells them "NOT TO TELL".


Friday, April 17, 2020

Muscle Shoals Ain't Got No Smart Lawyerin' People?

Apparently, if a school board in North Alabama is being sued, they hire the firm of Lanier-Ford in Huntsville to represent them...if they know what's good for them. Here's an example of one case handled by associate Taylor Brooks:

Ex parte Boaz City Board. of Education, 82 So.3d 660 (Ala. 2011). A kindergarten teacher, who allegedly was struck with paddle by a superintendent, brought action against the school board, the board’s members, and the superintendent, asserting claims of defamation and assault and battery. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled in favor of the school board and school board members, finding that the school board and board members were entitled to absolute immunity under the Alabama Constitution.

Comforting to know that a school superintendent has the right to hit a teacher with a paddle, isn't it? We notice this is the Boaz system, where one of the two remaining Muscle Shoals candidates is from.

Brooks will be helping in the selection of the grand prize winner on Monday. Is that due to Muscle Shoals not having a single decent attorney or the board thinking a law suit is a possibility? 

Our psychic prediction is that Chad O.G. Holden will be the hands down winner. Interested parties, or those simply wanting a mild chuckle, should make a point to catch the virtual board of education meeting Monday at noon. 

The True O.G. Says "Let The Good Times Roll!"

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Meanwhile in Sheffield...

From Sheffield residents:

* How long before an enterprising thug puts a crowbar to it? Talk about IRRESPONSIBLE. But this IS Sheffield...

* Who comes up with these numbers? The Foodland in Sheffield has a sign out front limiting occupancy to '100'. The new Dollar General in Sheffield, which is MUCH smaller, has a sign limiting occupancy to '120'.

* First COVID-19 death in Colbert County is in Sheffield. I wonder if that will register with Dr. Keith Davis?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

No Postponement for Municipal Elections

The Alabama League of Municipalities has decided not to postpone the August 25th city elections. Qualifying ends in July, giving local candidates one short month to campaign. 

The towns of Sheffield and Muscle Shoals will be electing first time mayors, while in Florence, Steve Holt has one currently announced challenger for his office. Let's hope things don't get as heated as March's Lauderdale primary.

Money is very tight for many right now. Have you applied for unemployment and been met with vague answers or no answers at all? Tell us about it. 

Apparently the state's system is overloaded to the point of failure. Do we have anything in Montgomery that works?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

About Those Non-Custodial Arrests...

Most routine traffic arrests in the Shoals have always been non-custodial. Now Florence and Lauderdale County have added most misdemeanors to the list of crimes that won't demand a trip to the detention center. In other words, trespass or shoplift a minor item, and you'll simply sign a citation and be released on your own recognizance until your court date.

In times of jail overcrowding, this seems like one easy solution, but does it have its drawbacks? Our friends at Free at Last Bail Bonding see quite the downside to this policy:

It will effect every bonding business in the county. It also is a catch and release system and will cost tax payers money when the people getting the summonses don't show up for court. In the long run it is a bad deal. Other cities are trying to get away from it. It's bad bad bad. 

It's catering to the criminals and not the victims. It's going to tell the criminals they can commit these certain crimes with only a ticket...and there will be more of them.

We as bonding companies, we don't cost the tax payers one cent. We need small businesses to get behind this and fight this. 

We hope you never need the services of a bail bondsman, but if you do, be sure to contact Free at Last:

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Mayor Doesn't Understand Free Speech

It has always amazed us that so many chafe at the slightest suggestion of limiting Second Amendment rights, but regularly advocate for drastically limiting the First Amendment rights of those with whom they disagree. It's similarly alarming that many don't understand the difference between an official elected by the citizens and a private individual who may do as he or she wishes.

In case any don't understand, our president is an elected official. We may agree with him 100%...or not...but any citizen has a right to question his actions. Politicians know this comes with the territory.

A reader sent us a screen shot from the Facebook page of a Lauderdale County mayor. Our reader was also kind enough to furnish a meme to go with it.

Let's this the same mayor who wasn't exactly transparent about drag racing in the Rogersville Industrial Park? The same mayor who only a few weeks ago was advocating for more open events in his small domain? Yes, we believe it was. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

In previous years, we've used the Easter theme of renewal. This year, we're speaking to anyone from Christian to Pastafarian. Rethink!

A great many individuals are losing money right now. Others have discovered that their daily routine and chores at home are not what they wanted or expected. That dripping faucet may not have bothered you before, but it does now?

Use this time to reflect on how you can make your life better. This is where we also usually ask you do something to make the lives of others better, but for now concentrate on you. Whether you have an idea for a home-based business or a new system to store groceries, take a little time to expand upon it.

Make something good come out of our quarantine!

Happy Easter from All of Us at Shoalanda Speaks

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Is Synagogue Defacer from the Shoals?

If you keep up with the news, you're aware of two North Alabama Jewish houses of worship being defaced in the past few days. There's video of one of the two crimes featuring a lone male approaching the scene. Huntsville officials are extremely eager to bring this thug to justice.

For whatever reason, hard financial times usually bring a rise in antisemitic crimes...and Facebook posts. It's been reported that Huntsville is reviewing posts from the entire North Alabama and Southern Tennessee area for any antisemitic content.

Some have reported privately that this deviant individual is from the Shoals or at least calls the Shoals home from time to time. No one at this blog has a real clue who may be behind these less than inspiring actions, but whoever has committed these crimes needs a mental evaluation...after he's been arrested.

Or As They're Called Locally, Pollen Reducers

Friday, April 10, 2020

City of Sheffield Closed for Business

After we posted a comment from a reader attempting to contact Sheffield city hall, we were told by several that the City of Sheffield is closed. Period.

The police department in the basement of the municipal building is open, but everything else is closed. The above number leads nowhere. There's not even voice mail to be accessed externally. Think about that.

What happens if some hackers in Belarus get lucky and clean out the city's bank account? How long before the city is aware of the theft? 

Other Shoals cities are maintaining a skeleton staff at their municipal buildings. Perhaps everyone in Sheffield city government just decided to go home and wait for Inspiration Landing to magically appear? Good luck with that...

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Four Towns; Four Profound Comments

This blog is often accused of having it in for Sheffield or Muscle Shoals. In truth, at least 90% of the comments/editorials come from our readers. We would be hard pressed to state which of the two town receives the most complaints; however, we can say without a doubt that Tuscumbia receives the fewest among the Quad-Cities.

Now here are four recent pithy comments on the Shoals' four largest towns:

1. Florence - Look's like ol' Dick put on his SS hat, sorry make that SA hat, and rounded up all the transients on the pretext of saving them from the virus, then he hands them all over to those con men at the pseudo church in east Florence. 

2. Muscle Shoals - Don't the residents of Muscle Shoals care who the next school superintendent will be? What do I know, maybe they're all thugs, not just Holden.

3. Sheffield - Is Sheffield City Hall totally shut down? Nobody is answering phones and calls DO NOT roll over to voice mail.

4. Tuscumbia - Everyone was so waiting for Deshler's field replacement to be complete so they could walk the track again. But.... they locked the gates, so citizens can't walk at Deshler either.

Thought for the day: With our state legislature shut down, is work continuing on the Pervmore Palace in Tuscumbia? Any readers have any updates on the situation?

Local Governments...Used To Having Egg On Their Faces