Wednesday, February 6, 2019

And the Readers Say...

On Tom Smith leaving the TD:

I was told Tom Smith is now manager of the Lauderdale County solid waste Department. Hope he is better at managing garbage than putting it out. Puppet for Dewey Mitchell and may be how he got the county position. I noticed too at the commission meeting that George Grayban is still Emergency Management manager. I asked George on numerous occasions about the emergency management plan for the county. An outside agency was writing the plan for him and he had no details. No commissioner knows what they are to do if we have a major disaster. Sorry, we have an inept crew running the county.

On Paradise Drive:

Danny Pettus came down and he is going to have the road department take off some of the dirt on a couple of blind corners. If the band aid approach works then they will do some more corners and possibly take off some dirt on the blind hills. Danny is the only one to show an interest in trying something. Fay Parker lives in Waterloo and has done nothing. It took 10 years to get the 1981 resolution removed that prevented the county engineer from doing anything but passable maintenance to the road. (Removed last year). Joe Hackworth always defers to Fay, saying “ I will vote with Fay or support Fay” but again does nothing on his own. Danny Pettus taking some action is the best we gotten from the county.  I do not know if you remember, but the county stopped Rodney Walker from widening the road in 2009. It took them 2 weeks to even know he was working on the road. The county filed a cease and desist order against him. That is the only reason the road is 2 lane in areas is because of Rodney. The reporters that came out from the Times Daily were amazed the county had a road in this bad condition. Tom Smith had covered the road previously and Dewey Mitchell told him what to do, 

On the Ag Center/Drug Testing:

I’d rather they drug test the state legislators and lobbyists along with the members of the state executive branch. It might make a real change in Montgomery. I wonder how many people who attended the Lieutenant Governor’s party could have passed a drug test the next day? Also wondering how the Ag Center can be west of Faith Church and east of Shoal Creek?

On the Salvation Army Church (Salvationists):

Keep at them. More than one has written the FRRF about giving money to this church. And this isn't the first time the city has given money to the SA. Yet the bastards are tax exempt. We sure aren't, are we? When can we Presbyterians expect our forty thou?

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