It has been brought to the attention of our group that employees of the Muscle Shoals City School System who don’t reside in the City of Muscle Shoals are exempt from paying the non-resident student tuition fee of $500 / year which is Board Policy. I was wondering if that same thing holds true for all the other employees of boards in the city.
Does the Muscle Shoals Electric Board employees get free electricity?
Does the Muscle Shoals Water Board employees get free water and sewer?
Does the Muscle Shoals Gas Board employees get free natural gas?
I think we all know the answer to the above questions, so why does the Muscle Shoals City Schools employees that live outside the city receive free tuition? Is this a part of their negotiated salary? If so, do they receive a W-2 for this amount of money each year? Is this Board Policy or merely just another little “under the table” bonus that flies under the radar?
Concerned Parents of Muscle Shoals
You hit the nail on the head with the Muscle Shoals Church Mafia! It used to be a "turf war" between HPBC and Woodward Ave. BC against "Six Flags Over Jesus"/Grace Life Church on Avalon Avenue.
Several years ago Dr. Harry Smith, former Principal at MSHS and member of Grace Life, was excluded from the three finalist for MS Superintendent. Grace Life members revolted and demanded Smith be included. Even showed up and protested at a MSBOE meeting with a signed petition. If memory serves correctly Smith was eventually interviewed, but I do remember he did not get the job.
Funny part about the MS Church Mafia is that most of them were members of Woodward Ave. BC until HPBC built their compound on Wilson Dam Hwy. It also seems that Woodward Ave. declined after Bro. Tom Whatley retired.
And the MS Church Mafia extends to other departments in the city as well.
I also though church was supposed to be a place of Christian worship and not a division of the Chamber of Commerce? I will let this link associated with HPBC help answer that question: .
Southern Son
We looked at this business directory and were very surprised. Is this common in the Baptist church, or is this an aberration?
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