Saturday, May 9, 2009
Byron Wilkes - Artist & Poet
Some weeks ago we asked readers to help us in finding the artist responsible for our "Shoals" artwork, an incredible melange of iconic state and local figures mixed with humor. Two readers responded that the brilliant mind behind the image belongs to Bryon Wilkes.
Wilkes lives in Florence and is noted for not only his artwork, but also his poetry. Besides Drive-By Truckers, Wilkes has done album covers for Sleepy Hollow and Patterson Hood.
Byron has a store on e-Bay that I insist everyone check out. Aptly called Make Room for dA dA, it's sure to have that certain something you've been searching for. Don't forget to tell him Shoalanda sent you.
Note: Today's Morris Lentz Day in Rogersville has been postponed due to inclement weather. We'll post the new date as soon as it's scheduled.