Monday, December 22, 2008

The Bookstore Speaks - New Blog

Whoever said "you can't judge a book by its cover," was right on the money. Unfortunately, most bookstores won't refund our greenbacks if we don't like or agree with the content.

Beginning this week, a new blog, The Bookstore Speaks, will help make it easier to decide which best sellers we just have to have and which we can pass on. This blog is not written by either Nurse Nan or myself, but it has been created by a friend of ours, so we consider it part of our group.

We will have more on this after Christmas, but in the mean time, you may wish to visit K's Cove in Elgin to purchase the latest gently used best sellers at half price or less. As always, K carries a huge selection of Elora's Cave releases. There's a new anthology due soon with an entry by our own Debra Glass, so don't wait until all are sold out!

What's up with this: More reported home invasions in the Colbert County area, but nothing in the TimesDaily?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Sholanda and K at K's Cove for being Ellora's Cave supporters! The anthology is due out in March and will be titled Flavors of Ecstasy I. My EC Quickie which will be included in it is Extra Sensual Perception. The blurb and book trailer are on my blog at

    I'm looking forward to the Book Page!
