Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ford is Wise, but Wise Isn't Ford

The Bible says it's better to work for less than one's worth than not to work at all. Apparently that bit of scripture is unknown to union bigwigs at Wise Metals in Colbert County.

Employees of Ford Motor Company in Detroit have agreed to a new contract that includes a pay cut for union workers, but union officials at Wise apparently don't consider this an option. After all, it's easier to blame Joe Pampinto than themselves. Barring that, perhaps they can foist some of the blame on David Bronner for choosing not to supplement the 125 million of RSA funds already invested in the struggling company.

No one wants to take a pay cut, but neither does anyone want to see Wise abandon its local operations. If these are the only choices, the pay cut looks good.

What's up with this: Sources say Franklin County pol Jack Harris has three days to remove his campaign signs or be cited for littering. Promises, promises...

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