By now, most individuals who keep up with state politics are aware that ALFA is currently under fire for its stance on animal welfare bills. ALFA is a menace to the caring individuals of Alabama, and many are now coming to realize just how far the organization will go to control our state legislature. A prime example is Rep. Danny Crawford of Athens who represents Limestone County and is the head of the Agriculture and Forestry Committee in the House.
Danny Crawford - ALFA District 5 Henchman
Crawford has recently been criticized for sending Andrew Sorrell's HB 305 back to a sub-committee, effectively ending any chance for the animal welfare bill to pass this session. Below is a statement from Crawford in which he defends himself:
...the bill was vague and members thought it was over reaching. How do you define reasonably comfortable, varies with everyone? How do you enforce it? If dogs and cats are “tortured” now then authorities have power to arrest the owner. Maybe a local bill, if authorities will enforce it, will better serve the public and acceptable to those counties who want to enforce it. Every county feels different, especially the rural ones.
Does Crawford actually feel this way or is he in ALFA's pockets? During a three year period the farmer's group has given him a total of $84,500.00 in campaign contributions. To put this in perspective, the next largest donation to a committee member was to Democrat Dexter Grimsley for $24,250.00. Yes, Crawford received over 60K more; anyone think ALFA simply picked Crawford at random and gave the money out of the goodness of its cold corporate heart?
What do you think ALFA expected in return from Danny Crawford? Could it possibly be that the federation expects Crawford to vote the way it says?
All you good people at Lindsey Lane Baptist Church be sure to say hello to your favorite politician at your next worship service. If you're in a really gregarious mood, be sure to ask him what god he follows...
Want to Trade Houses, Danny? Tell the Truth; God Knows Your Heart!