Our April 25th blog incorrectly identified Corey O'Connor as the founder of the Shoals Area Twitter group. The man behind the group is actually Jeremy Britten (pictured), a Seattle native and web designer who currently works as Web Communications Manager at the University of North Alabama.
Britten is an extremely talented designer whose work and photographs may be viewed on Flickr. You can learn more about Jeremy and his humorous insights on the world of professional art at:
We hope Britten and his family will choose to remain in the Shoals where artistic pursuits are often underrated. If you Tweet, be sure to send a thankful twitter to Jeremy for his efforts on behalf of the Shoals.
Mr. Self had further asked us to state that no such organization as Self Broadcasting exists. Although our article did not mention the status of the company, we are happy to add that Alabama records show this company is now dissolved. Our apologies to Mr. Self for any inconvenience these errata have caused him.
What's up with this: It seems the recently terminated Sheffield police officer (whose name has not yet been made public) was also fired from the Russellville Police Department. Perhaps education is not the only occupation in which trash is passed.