Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Hey, Look at Me, Alabama!

Sheffield City Schools superintendent, Dr. Keith Davis, has been a busy boy. Using the manufactured crisis of COVID-19 to good advantage, he started with his much-questioned 'day care' for Sheffield first responders, which placed him at odds with the then-current CDC guidelines.

Next was/is his spending frenzy on L. E. Willson Elementary School. Construction crews have reportedly been working feverishly all summer painting, pouring concrete, and landscaping the back of the school, which faces the Tennessee River. Is he trying to impress Florence? Questions about whether or not the projects were properly bid have arisen.

Davis' most current 'project', though, has allegedly raised the ire of Alabama's Education Association. Davis is reportedly demanding the system's teachers extend their work day by 1 hour. This may not sound like much, but adding an hour a day to teachers' already hectic day creates havoc for those teachers with children and other responsibilities.

I guess the real question is: Who is Davis trying to impress?

The current 'cancel culture' FAD, and it IS a fad, perfectly illustrates the total and absolute insanity of the Left. Rather than pursue a course of action through legitimate legal avenues, they stomp their feet, hurl profanities, and make totally unrealistic and childish demands ("We want! We want! We want!" ). And when these actions don't achieve their desired results, they resort to violent mob action.

A 'word' of advice: Get over yourselves. Go back to your basements, 'Hot Pockets', video games, and your fantasy 'keyboard warrior' realms. America doesn't NEED or WANT your childish antics.


  1. J. Redmon; I have to give it to you, you represent the far right Rush Limbaugh crowd very well. Your equating protest; which has a history in this country, with a "fad" and the millennial phrase "cancel culture", is pure conspiracy theory 101. It if far removed from the truth but confusing enough to be believed by the gullible and easily persuaded. Protests helped end Vietnam, protests helped obtain civil rights for blacks, protests helped obtain workers unions, protests helped obtain women the right to vote, any situation where an oppressed part of the population has petitioned the government for change has started with a protest. Even the formation of this country itself! You have heard of the Boston Tea Party perhaps? Calling this "cancel culture" pings the right wing dog whistle just right. Well, there wasn't mention of a Chik-Fil-A that I can recall in the aforementioned protest movements but I am sure if you get with Rush, ya'll can come up with something. BUT, protest, peaceful or otherwise, is NOT a fad in this country. Over the years, after the protest, many participants went back to their "basements" or homes and although hot pockets, video games and being "keyboard warriors" were not invented yet.....they also went from there to congress and all the way to the presidency in SOME cases. And they DID change laws which made life better for the oppressed! America NEEDED them then and more than ever NEEDS them today....those who will not just sit on the sidelines and criticize and critique but will actually get on the street to help MAKE THE CHANGE! Protesting knowing you may be physically harmed or even killed is certainly brave and far from CHILDISH.....calling names and cowering behind keyboards and criticizing fits the picture of the "tweeter" in chief.......

  2. Mr. Avenger- your analogy of equating BLM and Antifa with The Sons of Liberty and Revolutionary Payriots is faulty. Before the Boston Tea Party; before the Tax Stamp Revolt; before Lexington and Concord, America attempted to bring its grievnces before British Parliament, to no avail. The BLM movement and Antifa DO NOT represent legitimate concerns of Americans. They represent a Marxist agenda pushed a a very vocal minority bent in the absolute destruction of America. They completely by-passed legitimate attempts at civil dialogue and went straight to mob-enforced violence. A more accurate analogy would be to compare BLM and Antifa with the Nazi Brown Shirts they are patterned after. The Democrats flat refusal to condemn them speaks volumes.
