Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Message from the Heart of Muscle Shoals

Did You Get This In The Mail?

Introduction: The following is written by a citizen of Muscle Shoals, a product of the school system who has many similarly educated family members. This is a must read for any informed voter!

Muscle Shoals City has an unbelievable opportunity on Tuesday, August 25th to give the citizens a constitutional government "For the people and by the people".

Historically, the good ole boy politics in Muscle Shoals has come in cycles. There was a 3 member commission which worked well for a number of years until corruption and kickbacks became a backroom game to benefit the corrupt officials. This forced the citizens to take city hall back by voting in a mayor/council form of government. 

Allen Noles, current councilman, is one of those first elected to the new government by promising transparency and open communication. That worked ok as long as Mr. Pampinto was the constant thorn in Mr. Noles' side and kept Mr. Noles on his toes.  Then enters Ken Sockwell, Chris Hall and Mike Lockhart. 

Shortly after, there appeared to be lines drawn between Hall and the resurgence in the good ole boy backroom politics. Citizens tried to speak to the many injustices throughout the city as they watched Mr. Noles and others that are now gone get their children hired in sweetheart jobs in city government departments over many experienced and qualified applicants. Still citizens remained vigilant and challenged the process to no avail.

As the city council tipped with a majority of the councilmen whose wives worked in the school system, the duty of care and focus on our City and the needs of the citizens became a nuisance to them. Flooding is at an all time high, in spite of a 1/2 cent sales tax being collected but not used for that purpose given all the lawsuits. The mayor found it easier and easier to stay away and rarely work, leaving the day to day decisions to the City Clerk. The councilmen whose wives are and were school employees became the voice of the school system at the city council table. 

When citizens requested the City Council call for a referendum on an elected school board after numerous problems with school management, Mr. Noles, Mr. Lockhart, Mr. Bradford and Mr. Willis all firmly said no. They, along with some school people said, "if it's not broke, don't fix it". 

Still, the citizens persisted when they were met with much resistance. Citizens went to school board meetings where they were ignored as well. Their children became targets in the schools and parents were treated poorly.

Confidently, the school superintendent appeared with his troops before the City Council and were welcomed with open arms when the average citizen and groups were not. After one request by the school superintendent to raise property taxes on the citizens, the city council immediately approved and called for an election for a large property tax increase.

Once again, The citizens rose up. But this time - WE HAD A VOICE - OUR VOTE, and WE SPOKE LOUDLY. You can't stop our vote. You can't stop the process. You can't make us believe your lies. WE SAY NO MORE. WE VOTED AGAINST A HUGE INCREASE IN TAXES. We are not going to increase the feed for the fattened cow.

Today, we have seen another uprising. What started out as a normal election of a city council turned into a war zone caused by those who are offended when a citizen voices their own opinion. Those people attacking the citizens are the ones who pushed for new taxes on us. Those people are the ones who have controlled the city councilmen. 

This election process once again has become a backroom political power struggle to gain complete control of our city by a small group linked to the schools. Sad, but true that time is expended on city politics in the midst of a pandemic when the safety of our children should be their primary focus along with resuming educating our children after such a long absence.

Indulge me as I connect all the players in this web of deceit. Remember the past and think about the connections closely as you cast your vote Tuesday. 

A political action committee (PAC) was formed just a few short weeks ago. The disclosure on the State Secretary of State's website was the chairperson, John Saylor and Jennifer Bragwell, secretary/treasurer. Is that legal? Absolutely.

Stay with me and remember the names as we go. Mr. Saylor openly supported the high increase on our property taxes just 2 years ago which was his right, yet, we did not see the anti-tax group attacking him for his opinion. Mr. Saylor in his role as chairperson of this new PAC has been openly attacking the right of others to support their choice of candidates.

At one point, social media became a means to bully and degrade others in Muscle Shoals by accusations without merit and lies on some candidates' motives for running. As the social media attack was orchestrated, it became increasingly evident this was more than just a simple PAC.

One school employee's family member engaged in an attack on innocent citizens who contributed to several candidates and challenged their legitimacy. Those citizens under attack set the record straight in a very professional and courteous manner. The attacker was not satisfied and continued his personal attacks.

Others rose to the defense of the citizens under attack and called for the PAC to fully disclose their source of donations and the members of a group that called themselves "Citizens for a Better Muscle Shoals". Good Citizens for a Citizen Focused Muscle Shoals asked for clarity, and transparency. Still nothing from the PAC.

This past week, a mailer from Pennsylvania, courtesy of the PAC, was delivered to the mailboxes in Muscle Shoals. This PAC made up of unknown people sent the citizens of Muscle Shoals a mailer instructing them for whom to vote for city council and mayor on Tuesday, August 25th. There were no signatures by those concerned citizens in the PAC or disclosures of who was funding the mailers instructing the good citizens of Muscle Shoals on whom they were to vote for. 

Still, the good citizens of Muscle Shoals said, Who are you and what gives you the right to tell me how to vote? After much outcry from the good people of Muscle Shoals, Mr. Saylor's PAC published the "steering committee". 

According to their website: "", the steering committee consisted of: Rodney Allman (wife works for school system), Sonya Allman (retired and still works for school system) Debbie Bradford (was MSCS foundation director), Jennifer Bragwell (kin to organizers/and a candidate), Joe McKinney (involved in football program and parolee re-entry program), Deirdre Rich Kennedy, Doug Ruggles, John Saylor (attorney for Chip Dillard/Tim Staggs in Human Trafficking Sex charges), and Rebecca Tedder. Yet it has no indication of the source of their donors.

After much research and navigating the Secretary of State's website, the following donors are shown as:

Joe McKinney - $1000.00
Stricklands - $200.00 (kin to Councilman Noles)
John Saylor - $500.00
Mr. Rodney Allman - $1000.00 (wife works in the school system) Brother-in-law openly attacked citizens for supporting other candidates
Mr. Tommy Whitehead - $350.00
Ms. Pam Clepper - $250.00
Ms. Teena Noles - $450.00 (wife of current Councilman Noles)
Southern Pride Pest Control - $500.00

If you have followed all the details and names in this saga and feel like you have just returned from a very dysfunctional family reunion, then you comprehend far better than you realize. Make your own decision on whom to vote for. You should not be criticized for your choice of candidates. That is not only insulting, but a sign of larger problems than just a political power grab. 

There is a reason branches of government are separate and some incorporated, some as departments of the City government. There has to be a level of separation and respect for the process without the bullying and degradation of citizens for voicing their opinion.

Remember, if they do these things publicly, can we expect them to do any better behind the closed doors when there are like minded people planning our futures and our children's educational system?



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