Thursday, August 6, 2020

Chris Hall Deserves the Support of Muscle Shoals Voters!

Chis Hall is currently a Muscle Shoals City Council member; he is the only one to oppose the soundly defeated increase in property tax. If you're not familiar with Mr. Hall, here's a brief statement on where he stands:

As our local election nears. I must dispel misconceptions being associated with my name. I have no intentions of promoting or reinstating anyone in any capacity that would not bring the best to the table. My intentions have always been to unite and promote what is best for our city and to not ever visit the mistakes of the past.
As your current City Councilman Place 1, I am concerned for our city’s future. I have been wrongly accused as anti-education due to my strong opposition against the property tax increase and my support for the Blake Jarmon defense. When I was not willing to turn my head and deny the will of the people, nor compromise my personal convictions for political gain, I became their public enemy # 1. They have attempted at every turn to render me ineffective.

I am deeply troubled with the changing of the guards within City Hall. I fear the fox is attempting to take up residence within the hen house. The diligence of years of sound leadership has built a reserve to secure the future of our city. We must protect this future at all costs. We must choose only the most qualified to be stewards over such a weighty responsibility. The importance of this election cycle cannot be overstated.

I remain confident in your intelligence and discernment.

Standing Firm--Chris

We do not believe the voters of Muscle Shoals could select a better choice than Chris Hall. Remember his name when you vote on August 25th!

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