Saturday, December 3, 2022

Facing Facts about Inspiration Landing - Part I


Public plans for Inspiration Landing are now in their eighth year. We recently saw someone suggest that Sheffield take back the land deeded to John Elkington. As far as we know, the deed included no language mandating any progress on the development. In other words, even if Elkington now laughed in the faces of Sheffield residents, how could the city legally reclaim the land?

For those who don't have access to the recent TimesDaily article, Elkington has presented new plans for the resort area, including at least five restaurants on the Tennessee River (more on that on Quad-Cities Cuisine). While that sounds good, it seems utilities don't extend much beyond the old Slag venue. In other words, electric and gas service will need to be extended - this is something Elkington specifically mentioned.

The City of Sheffield has already taken out two USDA loans for infrastructure for Furnace Hill. A representative of Sheffield Utilities suggested that a discussion was needed on this point. We would think so; how much more money is Sheffield expected to shell out with nothing to show for it?

As of this month, Sheffield has made 12 payments on the USDA loans. More to the point, taxpayers have made these payments. What else will Elkington ask for? Each visit brings new requests and new excuses. Why are so many sure the emperor is wearing any clothes?

How long before Elkington makes a demand/request that is beyond the power of the city? How long until John Elkington is able to say he tried, but the town just wouldn't work with him? How long until someone, anyone, says enough is enough?

Will the City's Luck Never Run Out?

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