Thursday, December 8, 2022

Will Bennett Pugh be the Next Sheffield Mayor?


One complaint we've heard several times is that the Sheffield City Council and mayor don't have eye contact at meetings. There is a total disconnect. While this may not be that unusual in city governments, it doesn't bode well for actually accomplishing anything.

Now some backroom dealings have come to light, and many in Sheffield are criticizing the town's choice of a Florence attorney as the new city judge.

Pictured above is Leigh Anne Landis with her husband. Mayor Steve Stanley has stated this attorney came highly recommended and the council decided not to post the job opening. What does this say about the machinations of Sheffield City Hall?

Now, Sheffield attorney Bennett Pugh has openly questioned the city on this backroom deal. Good for him!

In Mr. Pugh's own words:

The mayor of Sheffield stated that the rush to approve a new city judge was to allow two weeks of training. My answer? If a lawyer needs training to be a city judge then they shouldn't be a judge. The last thing the city needs is a Florence resident without experience and is there a family relationship for her nomination? The public needs to know.

Unfortunately, such behavior isn't unusual in small town politics. If the citizens don't shed light on such shenanigans, this sort of thing will continue ad nauseam

Apparently we have a Sheffield mayor who goes with the flow, operates in the shadows, and won't speak up about the obvious problems with Inspiration Landing. Should he be re-elected?

Our take is no. Let's remember that in three years. Sheffield needs a mayor who puts the city's interests first. Will Mr. Pugh run? We're sincerely hoping he does.

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