Thursday, December 29, 2022

Who Hurt "Janie Mfn Dough's" Family?


Recently a woman named "Janie Dough" was arrested for the second time this year for drug trafficking. When our blog The Hidden Shoals published news of this arrest, it was criticized for even speaking of this woman's crimes and long arrest record. Why? It hurt her family. 

Who hurt her family?

Was it the police officer who handcuffed Janie and took her to the station? Perhaps he should have let her go with promises not to do it again?

Was it the clerk who booked her, putting her name on a public record to be displayed on the Internet?

Was it the sheriff's department who also listed her name and alleged crimes on the jail roster? 

Was it one of many national and local news outlets which posted this arrest in local police records or jail roster records?

Was it the blogger who mentioned her umpteenth arrest in the past decade?

Or was it...just possibly...Janie herself?

You have six choices. If you pick anything but the last one, you really need to apply for a disability on mental grounds. 

BTW, if you're wondering why we placed a "mfn" in her name in the title, it's what Janie calls herself on Facebook. Demure little thing, isn't she?


A few years ago, a local publication (not ours) mentioned a UNA student being arrested for assaulting a police officer. One of her friends contacted the publication asking that the story be removed. When asked if there was an error in the article, the sorority babe replied no, it just hurt her friend's feelings. We bet the assault didn't help the Florence police officer's feelings any either.

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