Monday, March 8, 2021

Salvationist Dumpster Diving?


We know many who dumpster dive for various reasons. Sometimes it's merely to retrieve a needed cardboard box, but sometimes it's more sinister (think those who don't understand protocols at a methadone clinic). In other words, dumpster divers aren't always law abiding citizens or those a neighborhood wishes to encourage.

Neighbors of the local Salvation Army on Huntsville Road in Florence have recently seen an uptick in homeless and others sifting through the contents of the facility's dumpster. Some say that most of the donations to the "charity" wind up in the dumpster due to employees being too lazy to sort through the items.

If you have unneeded clothing items in good condition, we suggest donating to the Crossroads Community Outreach on South Court Street. Donations there are never sold, but used to help the unfortunate directly. 

Our advice to neighbors who are worried by still another uptick in an undesirable element in the Sweetwater area: Call the police to report the events. If the Florence police doesn't know these things are happening, don't expect the officers to put a stop to it.

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